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Why Major in African American Studies?

Students of multiple races and genders in a UAB classroom. The BA in African American Studies is an interdisciplinary program examining African life and culture, both on the African continent and the diaspora. As a student, you will learn about the African and African American experience from different perspectives including English, history, political science, sociology, and public health.

We are committed to educating and providing our students with knowledge and critical thinking skills to:

  • address social justice issues,
  • promote the diversity of ideas, and
  • understand the experiences, traditions, and history of African descended people.

You will take required and elective courses that cover a variety of subjects. You will also select from one of three Areas of Interest that will help guide your graduate school or professional aspirations:

  • Minority & Global Public Health/Social Justice: Students who select this area may choose to pursue graduate and professional school in public health, criminal justice, legal studies/law, anthropology, or political science. Career options include criminal justice practitioner, community health worker, diversity training officer, and human resources employee. AAS graduates who have selected this track have gotten degrees in nursing to work in underserved communities, obtained master’s degrees in public health to work in medical facilities often located in underserved communities, and attended law school.
  • Historical Investigation & Cultural Awareness: Many of our students choose this area. Completion of coursework in this area prepares students to attend graduate programs in history, english, and education.
  • History & Culture of Afro-Caribbean and Latino People: Students selecting this area may choose to attend graduate school or select from several other careers including state and federal agencies, human services, and business.

Students may choose African American Studies as a first major or a secondary major. You will have the opportunity to join the Honors Program. Also, you can gain experience through internships and participate in our award-winning African American Studies Student Organization (AASSO).

Program Requirements

Students majoring in African American Studies must complete 45 credit hours. This includes 25 hours of required courses and 15 hours in one of the Areas of Interest. If you are a double major and African American Studies is your second major, you must complete the same requirements.

A complete list of required core courses, Area of Interest coures, and a proposed four-year program of study are available in the UAB Undergraduate Catalog.

Questions? Ready to Apply?

Contact Dr. Kay Morgan, program director, with any questions regarding the African American Studies major by emailing kmorgan@uab.edu or by calling (205) 975-9652.

All the information you need to apply can be found on UAB's Undergraduate Admissions Hub.

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