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Jessie Dunbar

Associate Professor jdunbar@uab.edu

Research and Teaching Interests: African American literature

Office Hours: By appointment


  • B.A., Clark Atlanta University
  • M.A., University of Georgia
  • Ph.D., Emory

Dunbar specializes in nineteenth and twentieth century African American and African Diasporic literatures; she has secondary interests in Russian and AfroCuban history, literature, and cultures. Her current book project, Democracy, Diaspora, and Disillusionment: Black Itinerancy and the Propaganda Wars, suggests that scholars recalibrate the earliest notable era of Russian influence on African American politics from the 20th century to the 19th century.

She has published articles in journals, such as Multiethnic Literature of the US and Interdisciplinary Literary Studies as well as in Critical Insights: Civil Rights Literature, Past & Present and Routledge Companion to American Literary Journalism.

Dunbar has been awarded a Woodrow Wilson Career Enhancement Fellowship (2016) as well as a partial grant for Columbia University's Summer Teachers and Scholars Institute on Black New York. She carries a secondary appointment as Assistant Professor in African American Studies.

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