What is the UAB Pre-Health Program?
If you are considering going to medical school, dental school, or optometry school, this support program will help you meet your goal. It is designed to assist you in becoming a highly competitive applicant for health professional programs.
What is the highest math class I need to take before applying to UAB medical school?
You will need to have taken Pre-Cal-Trig 106 (MA 106). (A few medical schools require calculus. You should check the requirements of individual schools you are interested in.)
How many students are accepted into UAB's Early Medical School Acceptance Program (EMSAP)?
Generally ten students are accepted each year. Learn more about the program on their website.
Is Pre-Health a major?
Pre-health is not a major. It is a track culminating with your application to professional schools. You are free to choose from the many majors offered in UAB’s undergraduate schools. Select a major that is a good fit with your competencies, skills, and interests.
Will I have two UAB advisors?
Yes, you will have your academic advisor and your pre-health advisor.
How often should I plan to meet with my Pre-Health advisor?
We recommend that you meet once a semester. Therefore you should meet three times a year: each fall, spring, and summer.
- Where can I find application information for medical, dental, and optometry schools?
What are the top motivations of your successful Pre-Health students?
Most students are looking for work that is exciting and adds meaning to their lives. Some of the most common motivators are the opportunity to help other people, the chance to utilize problem-solving skills, and the flexibility to follow many health-related paths at different career stages.
I am considering either a School of Pharmacy or a Veterinary School. Can I participate in the Pre-Health program?
Yes, you can utilize the support from the Pre-Health program and make appointments with your Pre-Health advisor.
I plan on transferring to UAB from a junior college. Do you have any advice for me?
Find out what courses will transfer to UAB.
Do I have to be an initiated member of Alpha Epsilon Delta to attend their activities?
No. All interested students are welcome at AED meetings. We encourage you to apply for Associate Membership. Once you are accepted to UAB, fill out an associate membership application and turn it in with the $15.00 fee at your first activity or drop it off in the CAS Advising Office (Heritage Hall Room 402).
Who can I contact if I have a question?
Read the information posted on this website, then contact your pre-health or academic advisor. Once you have been accepted at UAB, please call (205) 934-6135 and ask our staff to assist you with scheduling an appointment with a pre-health advisor. If you live out of town, phone appointments may be arranged.