Explore UAB


Can I participate in the CRC if I don't have concerns about my own substance use?

Yes! There’s a place in the CRC for everyone who supports our program mission and values. Recovery Allies can participate in the CRC by volunteering, becoming a facilitator for our Blazers for Recovery Ally Training, or by becoming part of the Promoters of Wellness. Everyone, regardless of volunteer status, is welcome to join us at any of our community social events. For more information, contact Kit Emslie at kpemslie@uab.edu or call (205) 996-1612.

I'm interested in educating peers about substance use and recovery. Can the CRC help me with this?

Yes! There are several ways you can support and advocate for recovery on the UAB campus. We encourage you to attend our Recovery and Advocacy Meetings on Tuesdays at 6pm at the CRC. You can also attend a Recovery Ally Training to learn more about substance use and recovery. For information on Recovery Ally Training and our Addiction and Recovery Seminar, email kpemslie@uab.edu.

You can also become a Promoter of Wellness through the Office of Wellness Promotion for more peer education opportunities! For information on how to become a Promoter of Wellness, contact wellnesspro@uab.edu.

I’m concerned about my friend’s/student’s/family member’s drinking or substance use. Can you all help them?

The CRC is a group of students who voluntarily come together to support each other in achieving a common goal: staying in long-term recovery from substance use disorders. The CRC is not designed to serve as a treatment program; instead, it is designed to provide recovery support on campus so that students in recovery have a safe and supportive place to go for help in navigating an environment that is not always conducive to recovery.

Students who are currently struggling with substance use disorder, can get assessment, brief intervention, and referrals for additional services at Student Counseling Services at (205) 934-5816.

If you are seeking resources for a non-student, please refer to the Recovery Resource Center at (205) 458-3377 or walk-in/make an appointment for a substance use screening and assessment Monday thru Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. The Recovery Resource Center is located in Cooper Green Hospital at 1515 6th Ave.South, just across the street from Hill Student Center. The Recovery Resource Center also offers support for families of those affected by substance use.

Who can come to recovery meetings at the CRC?

Recovery support meetings are open to anyone in the UAB community or larger Birmingham recovery community who wants to learn more about recovery or has made a commitment to improving their relationship to substance use.