Explore UAB

IDS Video and Photo


We have  a recording studio in the Learning Resource Center and we can help you create a  high-quality  video to elevate your course instruction and engagement. Email Courtney Garza to get started.  


  • Headshots – The LRC team takes complimentary headshot photos for SHP faculty, staff and students in the LRC Studio. Contact Doctorre McDade (doctorre@uab.edu) to reserve your time slot in advance. 
  • SHP Public – The SHP has a vast library of photos from events, classrooms, and more, that are available for you to download and use. Access SHP Flickr.  
  • Getty Images – Didn't see what you need on Flickr? We have access to stock photos at Getty Images. When you find the image you want, click on the image, record the Creative #’s associated with your selections, and then email the information to Courtney Garza