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The Diabetes Research Center (DRC) at the University of Alabama at Birmingham announces the availability of post-doctoral fellowships funded through the NIH T32 grant (T32DK062710) awarded to Drs. W. Timothy Garvey and James Hill by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). The funds from this grant may be used only for US Citizens or permanent residents. In very rare cases we are able to identify additional funds for the exceptional applicant who is neither a US Citizen or permanent resident, but this is a rarity.

Program Director:

W. Timothy Garvey, MD
Professor, Department of Nutrition Sciences

James O. Hill, PhD
Professor and Chair of Department of Nutrition Sciences
Director, Nutrition Obesity Research Center

Personal and Career Navigators:

Jose R. Fernandez, PhD

Program Manager:

Elizabeth Smith

Application Manager:

Brooks Wingo, PhD


Primary MentorsSecondary Mentors
Steven Austad, PhD - Dept of Biology April Carson, PhD - Dept of Epidemiology
Andrea Cherrington, MD, MPH - Division of Preventive Medicine Paula Chandler-Laney, PhD - Dept of Nutrition Sciences
Gareth Dutton, PhD - Division of Preventive Medicine Aaron Fobian, PhD - Dept of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology
Karen Gamble, MD, PhD - Dept of Psychiatry & Behavioral Neurobiology Bertha A Hidalgo, PhD - Dept of Epidemiology
W. Timothy Garvey, MD - Dept of Nutrition Sciences Jeonga Kim, PhD - Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism
Barbara Gower, PhD - Dept of Nutrition Sciences Tapan Mehta, PhD - Dept of Health Services Administration
Kirk Habegger, PhD - Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Dorothy Pekmezi, PhD - Dept of Health Behavior
James O. Hill, PhD - Dept of Nutrition Sciences Drew Sayer, PhD - Dept of Nutrition Sciences
Timothy Nagy, PhD - Dept of Nutrition Sciences Liou Sun, MD, PhD - Dept of Biology
Lyse A. Norian, PhD - Dept of Nutrition Sciences Adam Wende, PhD - Dept of Molecular and Cellular Pathology
Courtney M. Peterson, PhD, MSc, MA, MS - Dept of Nutrition Sciences  
Jennifer Pollock, PhD - Division of Nephrology  
Laura Rogers, MD - Dept of Nutrition Sciences  
Martin Young, DPhil - Division of Cardiovascular Research  

Additional Mentors available

NORC Postdoctoral T32 Obesity Program Frequently Asked Questions



For more information:

Write to us at:

Nutrition Obesity Research Center
1720 2nd Avenue South
Webb Building 501
Birmingham, AL 35294-3360

Application Procedures:
Please send these materials to Dr. Wingo, Application Manager, bcwingo@uab.edu.

  1. Send full CV
  2. Brief letter describing research and training interests as an attachment to the email.
  3. Application Form

"UAB is an equal education opportunity institution."


Email us at:

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