Explore UAB

prospectiveThe Biomedical Sciences (BMD) major and minor provide a foundation of coursework and skills building to prepare students for research or clinical professions, as well as prepare students to continue on to master’s and professional programs, including, but not limited to, medical school.

The Biomedical Sciences major uses a team-based learning approach and gives students the opportunity to apply what they are learning in clinical settings. Undergraduate students can also participate in research as early as their Freshmen year and research opportunities include clinical research, working alongside physicians.

Exciting opportunities and experiences are available at UAB for undergraduates interested in the study of the human body. We believe in teaching differently, inspiring curiosity and building a supportive community that shapes leaders through our intentional science curriculum, current educational pedagogies, premier academic advising and purposeful professional growth instruction.

Our curriculum is rigorous to ensure success for our graduates to pursue many different careers in health care, education, and research. The BMD faculty and staff are dedicated to fulfilling its important role in the development of competent, successful and respected BMD graduates. We welcome interactions with hard-working, like-minded individuals that are committed to exploring science and personal growth.

International Students

The School of Health Professions is not only home to some of the best ranked programs in the nation, but we’re also a part of one of the most diverse universities as well. At UAB, you will find students from all around the world studying, living, and learning together.

We want to make sure international students have every opportunity to succeed in both course work and college life, so we’ve gathered some easy tips to help you have the best experience studying abroad at UAB:

Visit UAB’s International Student and Scholar Services located in the INTO UAB Center on the second floor on Mervyn Sterne Library. They can help you with forms and applications, provide city guides and recommendations, and answer your questions to help make your life easier.

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