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Research Development Office (RDO)

Diagram depicting Strategic Research Development Activities, including: (1) coordinating internal funding programs, (2) facilitating interdisciplinary collaborations, (3) connecting investigators to idea development and review services, (4) providing proposal development assistance for large scale grants, (5) offering workshops for skill-building, and (6) matching faculty to funding opportunities

The Research Development Office (RDO) at the UAB Office of Research strives to expand the university's capability to continually discover and share new knowledge by connecting researchers to resources and providing support to increase their competitiveness in obtaining extramural funding. As a central resource, the research development team is here to assist investigators across the university in finding and securing funding to support their research, scholarship, and creative activities.

The Research Development Office aims to support research investigators across the proposal development continuum. Whether you are in the early stages of idea development or have a grant deadline quickly approaching, the RDO provides coordinates many supportive services and resources to help you at every step of the way. Learn more about how RDO can help you:

DevelopYour Ideas

Your Ideas

All research projects start with a great idea. The RDO can help you connect with resources to help you develop and refine your best ideas for innovative and impactful research projects.


Once you have a solid research idea, it’s time to find funding to support your project. The RDO helps connect faculty to funding opportunities to support and grow the UAB research enterprise. The RDO also manages external funding opportunities that are institutionally limited, known as “limited submissions”.
Develop andSubmit Proposals

Develop and
Submit Proposals

Ready to write your proposal? RDO curates several internal and external resources to help faculty develop the most compelling and competitive research proposals. Whether you are looking for strategic guidance in the early stages of writing or a critical review of a near-final draft, RDO can connect you to the right resources to take your proposal to the next level.
Collaborateand Translate

and Translate

Collaborative and translational research is essential for solving the world’s most challenging problems. The RDO supports faculty in finding potential collaborators to support interdisciplinary research and connecting them to resources to commercialize new technologies or translate their findings from bench to bedside.
Grow ResearchDevelopment Skills

Grow Research
Development Skills

Looking to grow improve your research development skills? The RDO offers skill-building workshops and helps coordinate resources and programs to improve investigator’s ability to find and secure research funding.
Centers and Institutes

and Institutes

Centers and Institutes focus and concentrate efforts, usually multidisciplinary in nature, toward meeting a specialized need or dealing with a current issue. A fully developed center or institute that meets the criteria required by Board Rule 503 represents a significant investment of expertise, collaborative energy, and resources. UAB’s Office of Research may designate a board approved center as a “university-wide interdisciplinary research center” (UWIRC) denoting the center’s achievement of growth and potential to serve the entire campus, a recognition of scope beyond that encompassing a Board of Trustee approved school-based center.


Learn more about RDO, schedule a consult, and/or request resources.


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