Explore UAB

If you have any questions, comments or would like to schedule a demonstration or training for your group please contact us at IRAP@uab.edu or call the office at 205-975-4727 (IRAP).

How to Report IRAP Problems

If you receive an error message while working in IRAP or if the system does not respond as expected (e.g., folders are missing, previously entered data has disappeared, and you no longer have the access you previously had), it is very important, that ASKIT and IRAP@uab.edu are notified as soon as possible.


All IRAP problems which persist after you have cleared your browser cache and made a second attempt to execute the action should be reported to ASKIT@uab.edu with “ a brief description of the issue” as the subject line of the email. Copy to irap@uab.edu. The advantage of logging the tickets with AskIT instead of calling or emailing a member of the IRAP team or the office of the module that you are using is that we have a record of the problem, we can track how long it took to solve the problem and with one quick email everyone on the IRAP team knows that there is a problem.
Include the following information:
  • A screen shot of the error message.

    How to take a Screen Shot: You can take a screen shot by using a Snipping Tool (available in Windows 7 Start Menu > Accessories > Snipping Tool), a program like SnagIt or by clicking on the Print Screen button (PrtScr) on your keyboard. Please note that if you use the print screen button on your keyboard and if you are using two monitors use Alt + PrtScr to only copy the active screen. 

  • Information about what you were doing when the error occured. Be as specific as possible. Please include the module (or unit such as OSP, CIRB, MTO, etc.), record, folder and fields you were in at the time or immediately before the error and the steps to recreate the error (if possible).
  • The browser you were using (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) and the version if known.
  • The time you received the error.
  • Whether the problem is appearing consistently or intermittently.
  • Leave it alone – especially if the second or third time you tried you got the same error message. We will contact you shortly with questions – and if we can see you recreate the error that will be helpful in diagnosing the problem.
  • Respond to questions that are sent to you. If the email is sent to you from AskIT and includes “Comments” in the subject line, please log into the IT Service Portal to respond to the question - https://uabprod.service-now.com/service_portal. If the email comes from IRAP@uab.edu or another member of the IRAP team please respond via email.


If you have questions about a ticket that you have logged - please forward the email that you received from AskIt to IRAP@uab.edu.