Matt Windsor

Matt Windsor

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A study published in December 2024 demonstrates how natural language processing techniques, combined with dedicated human personnel, can flag unusual findings in radiology images and connect patients with follow-up care. The work, pioneered in nodules on the adrenal glands, has many applications, the researchers say.
Fran Lund, Ph.D., an internationally recognized scientist who has uncovered crucial additional roles for the immune system’s antibody-generating B cells, has been selected for the academic medical center’s highest faculty honor. Learn more about her career and current work in immune memory in this article.
Attend a town hall at the Alumni House at 10 a.m. March 19, 2025, for an important update on UAB’s Research Strategic Initiative: Growth with Purpose.
Many studies have linked childbearing to a lower risk of being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia later in life. But in a new study, UAB sociologists found that early-life factors, including a woman’s socioeconomic status in adolescence, accounted for the apparent pregnancy-cognitive connection.

A grant from UAB’s Health Services Foundation General Endowment Fund will support a project testing an AI tool trained to predict fall risk and identify signs of delirium in order to improve patient care and safety for older adults in UAB’s Geriatric Emergency Department at UAB Hospital-Highlands.

Amy Chatham, Ph.D., has been named executive director of the expanded center. “These offices are here to help faculty and are laser-focused on providing the tools, training and service that enable UAB’s teachers to be the most effective,” said Scott Phillips, Ph.D., vice provost for Innovative Teaching and Academic Engagement.
The $1 million project to install the university’s first bulk dry heat sterilizer was made possible through a grant from the NIH and internal investments as part of the Research Strategic Initiative: Growth with Purpose. Dry heat sterilization is more efficient and saves power and water.

Mark your calendars for these major events on campus coming in the first half of 2025.

After studying thousands of hours of data from heart rate monitors, UAB clinician-researchers developed algorithms to predict when a baby’s heart rate will drop to unsafe levels in the NICU. With funding from UAB’s Harbert Institute, they will now conduct a clinical trial of a device they have created to intervene automatically.
A 3D printer for prosthetics, navigation for patients on dialysis and a new electron microscope are three of the 11 projects to receive funding. The HSF-GEF faculty grants program is a way for UAB to support innovative ideas from its researchers and clinicians.
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