To sign up, visit www.cps3birmingham.org; to do more — become a CPS-3 Champion. A champion will spread the word to co-workers, family and friends and encourage 10 people to enroll in the study. To be a champion, email CPS3Champion@uab.edu.
Meek, a junior majoring in entrepreneurship, also is training as a GivePulse ambassador in her role at the Office of Service Learning and Undergraduate Research.
Unload, weed, assist shoppers and more. Here are six ways you can serve your fellow Blazers at UAB’s food pantry as it experiences record growth.
Attend the annual wreath-laying, donate to a blanket and clothing drive, read stories from UAB veterans and leave a message of thanks.
Help complete the 2022 Habitat House, built for Eddie Mae Hopkins in Ensley, just in time for Thanksgiving celebrations. Sign up for a volunteer slot on BlazerPulse.
It’s time to build UAB’s seventh Habitat House — the university’s first following a pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Individuals with a willingness to work can register to volunteer on BlazerPulse, UAB's community engagement platform, for slots available 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Thursday-Saturday Sept. 29-Nov. 5.
Help make the holidays merrier for Birmingham-area children by donating to two drives on campus this season — the annual UAB Toy Drive and Little Blazer Wishes.
Donate items through Aug. 31 to stock the on-campus food bank with personal hygiene items such as feminine hygiene products, toilet paper and soap. Donations can be given to Staff Council representatives or dropped off at the 1613 Building.
A vaccine site volunteer offers an insider’s view of the great shot-in-the-arm effort that can turn the tide against COVID-19.
Learn more about responsibilities and sign up for a volunteer location.
Reading level in third grade is an astounding predictor of life outcomes. Learn how one UAB partner organization prepares tutors to walk alongside struggling students.
Help UAB parenting students and their families blaze on this holiday season by supporting Little Blazer Wishes, a program that provides anonymous gift sponsorship to Blazers who would otherwise struggle to fulfill their children’s holiday wish lists.
Some simple strategies — including micro-routines, mask desensitization and compassion — can help parents and the community ease anxieties in this frightening time.
An online platform gives UAB innovators a chance to find creative solutions to front-line challenges. Anyone can post a clinical problem — or volunteer to help solve one.
Many of UAB’s more than a thousand international students are facing complicated questions and challenges — but you can help.
Help support women in the workplace with your donation of gently worn, work-appropriate attire March 9-13.
Dig in for monthly gardening days this spring and plant produce in the UAB Gardens to be harvested for Blazer Kitchen.
Donations can be given through July 12 to Staff Council representatives. The unit donating the most will win 25 tickets to UAB Football vs. Rice.
Michele Kong’s KultureCity was named one of the world’s most innovative nonprofits this year. Here’s her advice on how to get from big dream to global impact.
Four training sessions are planned in May to help faculty, staff and students learn to use BlazerPulse, an online platform adopted to promote community engagement.
Contributions to the 2019 campaign goal supports local nonprofits such as Alabama Possible and its Cash for College program, which helped UAB junior Naomi Thomas attend college and discover her life’s calling.
Help support women in the workplace with your donation of gently worn, work-appropriate attire April 1-5.
Help the Graduate School and Staff Council provide much-needed items to the Ronald McDonald House and Birmingham-area schools.
Support GEAR UP Alabama’s 11,000 students by bringing items such as pens, pencils, reams of paper and backpacks to Education Building Suite 126.
UAB Staff Council is spearheading a drive to collect toiletry items Oct. 2-30 to help Blazers in need.
The sale will be underway Aug. 20 in the Avondale Administration Building Atrium, Aug. 21-23 in the West Pavilion Atrium and Aug. 24 in UAB Hospital-Highlands.
Beginning May 1, UAB staff can cast their vote for their organizational unit’s Staff Council representatives at uab.edu/staffcouncil.
Staff Council representative nominations are open through this Friday. Get to know three outgoing representatives — David Dada, Jennifer Spears and Mary Foster — and why they believe participating in the Staff Council is important to UAB.
The election will be held May 1-8 and new representatives will serve a two-year term that begins in August and ends in July 2020.
Register to compete for Team UAB and Team UAB Medicine by March 23.
Donate food and toiletry items 8 a.m.-4 p.m. March 9 in Medical Towers Suite 100 to support the Blazer family in the fight against food insecurity.
This year’s goal is to raise $2 million to support the community where employees live, work and play. Learn more about the programs supported through employee donations, including the newest addition — Meals on Wheels.
Help support women in the workplace with your donation of gently worn, work-appropriate attire March 5-9.
Register as a BellRunner to support local children’s access to early-intervention services for a variety of special needs.
A new initiative identifies increased cooperation among metro area governments as a key to economic and population growth for the entire MSA. Share your ideas Nov. 29.