Explore UAB


Step 1: Secure Funding

  1. Before any financial commitment is made by students, staff or faculty, a means of funding the event must be approved.
  2. Students should contact their Faculty advisor with questions regarding funding. All others should contact the Director of Administration and Fiscal Affairs if the funding source isn’t already known.

Step 2: Date/Venue Confirmation

  1. Complete an Event Request Form. This form is located on the UABSO website under the Resources quick link (posted under both Student and Faculty Resources).
  2. Contact the Dean’s Administrative Assistant (Cindy Weise) with questions about events.
  3. The administrators assigned to monitor event requests (Mintie Kaiser or Nakia Lee) will contact or provide feedback to the event requestor. This process could involve identifying alternative dates, times or venues.
  4. An SO-Events administrator (Cindy Weise, Mintie Keiser or Nakia Lee) will place the Event on the School’s Event Calendar.
  5. An SO-Events administrator (Cindy Weise, Mintie Keiser or Nakia Lee) will reserve UABSO space. The SO-Event administrator will NOT be responsible for reserving any non-UABSO space. Event Requestors are responsible for reserving non-UABSO space. Volker Hall is not UABSO space.
  6. An SO-Events administrator (Cindy Weise, Mintie Keiser or Nakia Lee) will inform the Event Requestor whether a UAB Event Pre-Approval form must be submitted and approved by the University. The SO-Events administrator will provide instructions when this step is needed.
  7. Note: Faculty may request, via the SO-Events administrators (Cindy Weise, Mintie Keiser or Nakia Lee), the support of the School’s Event Team to help plan and host certain events. Events that qualify for this level of support would tend to be large events or events requiring complex logistics. 

Step 3: Reimbursement

  1. Reimbursement and vendor payments for all Events must follow UAB Event Expenditure Guidelines.
  2. The following documentation should be submitted to the e-address SO OptFinance:
    • A valid account number to charge the expenses.
    • All itemized receipts
    • Business purpose of the Event.
    • A copy of the announcement or invitation.
    • A copy of the agenda or program.
    • A list of attendees
    • Authorized signatures
    • A copy of the approved Event Pre-Approval form (if it was required)