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HPB Second floor floor plan

Construction is underway for the Henry B. Peters Building exterior renovation project.

Work zones, fences, and barricades have been placed around the perimeter of the building on the plaza, and we do anticipate that some building entry/exit point may be temporarily closed throughout this process. For your safety, entry and exit from the 1st floor of HPB will now be through the “tunnels” under the building overhang. The stairwell door near the chillers may also be temporarily closed as crews move materials through the area.

Please be mindful of the construction taking place and use caution when passing through or near these workzones. Thank you for your patience during the renovation project. If you have any questions or concerns, please email chbeasle@uab.edu.

HPB Third floor floor plan

Keep up with the progress through our construction update photo gallery on flickr and check out a timelapse video of the progress.