Remarkable Students

Tami Wade hopes to practice as a nurse-midwife in Walker County, Alabama

Three graduates plan to continue their practice in Alabama

Leslie Pitts hopes to help pediatric patients, further research for rare genetic disorder

ALANA and AANA recognize nurse anesthesia students

Pamela Jackson to study chronic low back pain, racial disparities in dissertation

Mother, daughter find purpose in helping other families with premature babies

Paula Levi to study stress, heart rate variability in ICU nurses

Pathway Independence Award from NIH enables continued preparation as post-doc, transition to independent, tenure-track position

Three PhD students receive scholarships from Alabama Nurses Foundation

Shameka Rodgers Phillips is first nurse to receive fellowship from UAB Nutrition and Obesity Research Center

NIH grant to support Stockdill’s continued doctoral study in palliative care

Fredrick Richardson selected by National Black Nurses Association for leadership and service to NBNA, nursing profession

Kristin Ashley presents, receives poster award at the AAOHN National Conference.

Corey Lofton is first Alabama League of Nursing doctoral level scholarship recipient

Graduate students Markwell and Wells earn academic scholarships from state nursing association

Rebecca Edwards, also a faculty member, will use funds from Oncology Nursing Society to begin crafting research proposal on palliative care in the Caribbean

Anusiewicz and Prapanjaroensin earn scholarships to improve nursing practice

Three psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner students earn scholarships

Third straight group from School receives three-year RWJF funding commitment, matching scholarships

MSN students Cassidy, Pattison named 2017-18 Alabama Schweitzer Fellows
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