Nationally, nurse visited mothers and babies have:

- Decreases in prenatal cigarette smoking
- Fewer hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
- Fewer closely-spaced subsequent pregnancies
- Improved diet
- Fewer preterm births
- More mothers breastfeeding at 6 months
- More infants immunized at 6 months
- Reductions in child abuse and neglect
- Reduction in health-care encounters for injuries
- Improved school readiness
- Reduction in use of government assistance
- Greater employment for the mothers
- Increase in father presence and partner stability
“This partnership is a lot easier. I don’t have to always call the pediatrician when I have a question, and I have had a lot of questions. I didn’t expect this to be so hands-on, but it has been nice to know Brandy since before Aria was here. It’s like we’ve grown at the same time.” -Alexus
“It’s opened a lot of doors for me, including providing resources for jobs. This has given me a lot of helpful information. We get to talk about a lot, and then I share that information with people I know who have babies or are pregnant. Charlotte was very helpful (throughout my pregnancy), and I know it will continue to be helpful to have someone to talk to instead of Google.” -Jametta
Since 2017, the Nurse-Family Partnership of Central Alabama:
- Had over 600 successful births
- Expanded to 8 counties, with plans for 27 more over the next 5 years
- Fewer closely-spaced subsequent pregnancies
- Added psychiatric and mental health resources for mothers
- Connected mothers-to-be and new mothers to employment resources
- Decreased pre-term birth rates below the national and Jefferson County averages