The School of Business at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) is one of the nation’s best, according to the 15th Princeton Review Best 296 Business Schools guidebook scheduled for release Tuesday, Oct. 7.

October 7, 2008

• Business school MBA ranks nationally

• Third consecutive year

• Princeton Review rates best schools

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - The School of Business MBA at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) is one of the nation's best, according to the 15th Princeton Review Best 296 Business Schools guidebook scheduled for release Tuesday, Oct. 7.  The 2008 edition marks the third consecutive year that UAB has placed on the annual guidebook's list.

The Princeton Review does not rank schools academically or hierarchically, but compiles its list based on surveys of 19,000 students who attended the 296 business schools that placed in this year's guidebook.  In its two-page UAB profile, the book praises the School of Business MBA for..."strong academics, flexible class scheduling and especially the quality of its professors who educate with a great deal of academic and real-world experience." 

School of Business Dean David Klock, Ph.D., welcomed the Princeton Review honor Monday.  "The Princeton Review business school guidebook acknowledges what we here at UAB already know," Klock said.  "The School of Business offers students one of the best educations available with a chance to learn from some of the country's most talented educators, and this recognition is just another example of how the school's reputation is growing nationwide."

Read the Princeton Review Best 296 Business Schools UAB profile online at