People of UAB

Olivia Affuso, Ph.D., was taken to the hospital after being stung more than 50 times by the bees.

Vinay Narasimha Krishna, M.D., received one of 15 KidneyX Redesign Dialysis prizes from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the American Society of Nephrology.

UAB students led their team to victory, bringing home the National Championship title for the third time in eight years.

Several UAB programs once again are listed among the best in U.S. News & World Report rankings, including one program that vaulted 43 spots from one year ago.

The American Civil War was the proving ground for the new science of anesthesia in surgery.

You might know that sex sells, but did you know that the sex of cells is important in biomedical research?
Kay has held several administrative positions at UAB, including director of the Clinical Electrophysiology Section within the Division of Cardiovascular Disease.