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Warner K. Huh, M.D., director of the University of Alabama at Birmingham Division of Gynecology Oncology, is conducting a new clinical trial for an infrared imaging agent used in hysterectomy patients to better identify the location of the ureter—the passage between kidney and bladder—during surgery.
One of the hidden gems of Alabama education, Dr. Henry Panion, III, is an instructor in music theory and technology at UAB. Panion's experience in the music business features classical, pop, gospel and R&B. But, of course, he's also contributed to jazz, working with Lionel Hampton's Orchestra and Ellis Marsalis.
"Mothers with obesity tend to give birth to children with obesity, which continues into adulthood, ready to begin the next generational cycle," said Timothy Garvey, principal investigator of the SFOC, director of the UAB Diabetes Research Center and chair of the UAB Department of Nutrition Sciences.
An intersectional framework looks at how multiple social statuses intersect at an individual level, such as HIV status, race, gender or sexual orientation, and a broader level, such as structural stigmas in society including racism, sexism, HIV-related stigma and classism, to produce health inequalities.
UAB Dr. Tamara Oechslin, Dr. Becky Luu, and UAB fourth-year optometry clinicians checked the eyesight, eye alignment, refractive error and ocular health of six babies, at no charge to the babies’ families. The exams were part of InfantSEE, a public health program in optometry designed to ensure that eye and vision care become an essential part of infant wellness to improve a child’s quality of life.
"We envision an entirely different approach to treating solid human tumors of numerous pathologic subtypes, including common metastatic malignancies such as breast, melanoma, colon, prostate, and lung, utilizing these capsules as a delivery platform," explained senior study investigator Eugenia Kharlampieva, Ph.D., associate professor in the department of chemistry at the UAB College of Arts and Sciences.