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“Yes, there is potential for someone traveling in Africa to be exposed to Ebola and then bring it back to the U.S., which is why we need to remain alert,” says Craig Wilson, MD, professor in the UAB Department of Epidemiology in the School of Public Health and director of the Sparkman Center for Global Health. “But generally we do not have to worry about it here in the United States on a population basis, because as soon as a case is identified, even standard infection control practices that exist in all health care facilities would substantially contain the disease.”
Registration for fall classes at ArtPlay, UAB and the Alys Stephens Center's arts education center, has begun, with classes beginning Sept. 2 for all ages and a wide array of arts disciplines.
The sheer magnitude of battlefield injuries during the conflict played a major role in establishing the regular use of anesthesia, according to an article in the newsletter of the American Society of Anesthesiologists written by Maurice S. Albin, M.D., a professor in the Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Unusually, the guidelines are online and under constant revision, making them a "living document" that can cope with a rapidly changing field, according to Michael Saag, MD, of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, the guidelines co-chair for IAS-USA.
The University of Alabama at Birmingham has drastically increased the speed of its on-campus residential network, with an upgrade that has brought 250 Mbps connections to each resident in all five of its residence halls.
UAB art faculty and alumni will show their talents in two exhibitions, starting today at Abrom-Engel Institute for the Visual Arts.
"Pulp + Bone." UAB art students present a one-night-only exhibition. Those enrolled in the summer course, "Drawing: Figurative Themes," show the results of their efforts at the Visual Arts Gallery, in UAB's Humanities Building, 900 13th St. South.