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From Modern Medicine
While the authorities have not released details of Lubtiz’s visual or mental health diagnoses, Mark Swanson, OD, MSPH, associate professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Optometry, says one such vision problem that can occur with mental health problems include conversion disorder, a condition in which patients show psychological stress in physical ways.
While the authorities have not released details of Lubtiz’s visual or mental health diagnoses, Mark Swanson, OD, MSPH, associate professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Optometry, says one such vision problem that can occur with mental health problems include conversion disorder, a condition in which patients show psychological stress in physical ways.
Dr. Dean Sicking, who invented the Steel and Foam Energy Reduction barrier with a group of engineers while at the University of Nebraska in 2002, is now with the University of Alabama at Birmingham and maintains a test facility at Barber. He's considered an unofficial consultant at Barber, Whitt said, and his safety recommendations are heeded.
From The Boston Globe
Dr. Gregory G. Davis, chief medical examiner of Jefferson County in Alabama and a professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, also described a significantly limited supply of medical examiners nationwide. He estimated there are between 400 and 450 forensic pathologists across the country, and that ideally there should be 800 to 900 medical examiners to handle the workload.
Dr. Gregory G. Davis, chief medical examiner of Jefferson County in Alabama and a professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, also described a significantly limited supply of medical examiners nationwide. He estimated there are between 400 and 450 forensic pathologists across the country, and that ideally there should be 800 to 900 medical examiners to handle the workload.
At the center of this high-potential research is the Alabama Drug Discovery Alliance (ADDA), a unique collaboration between development teams at Southern Research and the University of Alabama at Birmingham. The ADDA provides the infrastructure and support to expedite the search for new insights and treatments.