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Campus & Community July 06, 2023

Written by: Shawna Masters
Media contact: Brianna Hoge

Stream ovarian cancer car tagOver $1 million has been raised for ovarian cancer research through the Drive Out Ovarian Cancer car tag.Alabama is one of three states currently offering an ovarian cancer car tag — and it is changing the future of ovarian cancer research. Since the tag’s inception, proceeds from each ovarian cancer car tag purchased have gone directly to the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Division of Gynecologic Oncology to support ovarian cancer research.

The Drive Out Ovarian Cancer car tag proceeds were initially used to help find an early detection test for ovarian cancer; but since its creation, it has funded other types of research for the overall cure for ovarian cancer. 

“All of the proceeds of the car tag go directly to the Division of Gynecology Oncology to fund ovarian cancer research — it doesn’t go anywhere else, which is what I think is so unique about this tag,” Warner Huh, M.D., professor and chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

The tag was created in honor of Brittany Waldrep and her battle with ovarian cancer.

“After the death of my sister, our family wanted to do something that could potentially save the lives of other women — we believe that is funding research,” said Stacy Waldrep Miner, administrative manager in the UAB Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine. “The ovarian cancer car tag not only accomplishes that, but the tag also promotes awareness with every vehicle.”

On Saturday, May 13, 2023, the Norma Livingston Ovarian Cancer Foundation held its 20th annual Motherwalk event and presented the division with a check for $120,000 — bringing total donations from car tags to almost $1.7 million over the years.

“Receiving this much for ovarian cancer research from the car tag collectively is amazing considering how uncommon ovarian cancer is compared to other cancers,” Huh said. “This car tag has really promoted awareness and the division’s commitment to ovarian research at UAB and the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center, and we are so grateful.”

Each May, NLOCF holds its Motherwalk 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run to raise awareness about ovarian cancer, celebrate ovarian cancer survivors and remember those who lost their battle with the disease.

NLOCF car tag MCDuring the event, the foundation presents a check from the ovarian cancer car tag proceeds to the Division of Gynecologic Oncology to further cancer-specific research.

“The annual Motherwalk event is a day that allows us to celebrate the great progress we have made using the funds raised by the NLOCF and the Alabama ovarian cancer license plates,” said Rebecca Arend, M.D., associate professor in the Division of Gynecologic Oncology.

NLOCF was founded in 2004 by Lori Livingston in honor of her mother, Norma Livingston, who lost her battle with ovarian cancer. NLOCF’s mission is to raise funds for ovarian cancer research, increase awareness of the disease and assist those undergoing treatment.

In addition to supporting this research, NLOCF provides various medical resources for the division’s cancer patients, including neuropathy support kits, post-surgery kits, gas cards and more.

“We are so proud that the money raised from this tag stays in the state and goes to UAB,” said Ashley Thompson, executive director for the Norma Livingston Ovarian Cancer Foundation. “We are confident that the cure for ovarian cancer will come from UAB.”

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