UAB Vascular Care is provided at these locations:

UAB Hospital: 1802 Sixth Avenue South
The Kirklin Clinic of UAB Hospital: 2000 Sixth Avenue South
UAB Hospital Highlands: 1201 11th Avenue South
For physician-to-physician consultation, or to be connected with our specialists and clinics please call UAB MIST at 800.UAB.MIST (800.822.6478).
The UAB Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy provides full diagnostic capabilities and a comprehensive range of evidence-based therapies for applicable disease states. As a regional referral center for the diagnosis and treatment of complex vascular disorders, UAB offers innovative, proven treatments designed to provide patients with optimal outcomes, improved quality of life, and access to clinical trials. We also remain actively involved in critical evaluation of new therapies for treatment of various vascular conditions.
Our UAB vascular specialists treat vascular disease with medical therapy, endovascular repair (such as stents) or open vascular reconstruction. Following a thorough evaluation of circulatory problems, our physicians may recommend procedures, medications, or reassurance through a comprehensive consultation that addresses risk factors and lifestyle modification to encompass diet and exercise.
UAB vascular specialists also offer evaluation of patients for surgery and surgical follow-up when vascular health is a concern, including bowel blood flow conditions, complex blood pressure management, and diabetic or renal vascular conditions.
For more information contact:
Rebecca St. John, RN (