Programs and Services:
Evaluation Clinic – Evaluation clinics are provided throughout the week at CPP and are open to those residing in the Community Psychiatry Program (CPP) catchment area. Evaluation Clinic is the entry way to services here and the point at which eligibility for continued treatment is determined for persons that meet criteria for serious mental illness (SMI), which include functional impairment. Those who come for evaluation will be seen by medical students, residents in psychiatry, or psychiatric social workers for initial screening followed by assessment and possible treatment by an attending psychiatrist. Please call ACCESS ( 934-7008) to schedule an appointment.
Psychotherapy Service – Psychotherapy services offer individual, family and group psychotherapy. Currently groups include Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Anxiety, Co-Occuring and Illness Management and Recovery groups. Clients are seen on a regular basis (dependent upon treatment goals). Treatment is individualized and some clients may be involved in more than one clinic or group, as well as being seen periodically in psychopharmacology clinic.
REACT (Research and Evaluation of Assertive Community Treatment) – Established in 2000, the REACT Program is Alabama’s first Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) team. REACT is a evidence based practice team of professionals including a psychiatrist, social workers, nurses, counselors, and case managers who provide comprehensive, community-based psychiatric treatment, rehabilitation, and support to persons with serious and persistent mental illness such as schizophrenia. Consumers served by the REACT program are individuals with severe functional impairments who have avoided or not responded well to traditional outpatient mental health care and psychiatric rehabilitation services. REACT provides intensive individualized psychiatric care, case management, substance abuse, housing, vocational, and other services and supports critical to an individual’s ability to live successfully in the community. For information regarding eligibility or to make a referral please call (205) 934-9715.
Psychopharmcology Clinic – Psychopharmacology clinic serves patients who have been diagnosed with a serious mental illness and who need follow-up services including monitoring of response to medications, psychiatric prescriptions, side effects to medications and general psychosocial assessment. The clinic nurses provide these services, as well as doing crisis intervention, consultation with other professionals, administering parental medications, and addressing all patient phone calls.

Harry Findley, M.S.W., L.I.C.S.W,
Division Director of Public Psychiatry
Telephone: Clinic: (205) 934-4108
Fax (Clinic/DT): (205) 975-8950
Fax (Admin): (205) 975-6342
REACT: (205) 934-9715
Substance Abuse: (205) 917-3784
CPP Clinic Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM