Health Effects after Anthracycline and Radiation Therapy (HEART) - Dexrazoxane and Prevention of Anthracycline - related Cardiomyopathy (ALTE11C Study)
Children’s Hospital (Philadelphia)
The primary goal of this study is to determine whether patients assigned to receive DRZ have less damage to their heart compared to those who didn't receive it. We will also evaluate whether DRZ's cardioprotective effect changes by anthracycline dose, chest radiation, and other factors such as age, and gender. We will also look at survival rates between patients treated with and without dexrazoxane.
The impact of insomnia on pain, physical function, and inflammation in persons living with HIV
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute/NIH/DHHS
If our hypotheses are confirmed, we will identify: 1) insomnia as a major driver of pain in the laboratory and in everyday life among PLWH, and 2) inflammation as an important insomnia-related mediator of pain in PLWH. This research could help confirm insomnia as a therapeutic target for the suppression of pain and inflammation in PLWH. Possible treatments may include cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia and anti-inflammatories.
Influence of Race, Gender, Rurality, and Dyadic Health on Symptom Trajectories in Persons with Advanced Heart Failure
National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS
PI: Macy Stockdill, pre-doctoral student
Mentor: Marie Bakitas, DNSc, NP-C, FAANThe purpose of this research study is to identify symptom pattern trajectories in a diverse sample of heart failure patients living in the Southeast.
Managing Fatigue and Pain Using Personalized Exergame Prescriptions in Head and Neck Cancer Patients after Their Treatment
National Cancer Institute
Co-I: Ellen M. Lavoie Smith, PhD, MSN, RN, AOCN, FAAN
The test a personalized exergame intervention to improve pain and fatigue following chemotherapy/radiation treatment for head and neck cancer.
A natural history study of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy-EPIPHANY
Disarm Therapeutics
Co-I: Ellen M. Lavoie Smith, PhD, MSN, RN, AOCN, FAAN
To validate a biomarker of peripheral nerve axon damage following neurotoxic chemotherapy in patients receiving paclitaxel or vincristine for breast cancer and lymphoma