Otology is the study of the ear and its related diseases. Common ear problems include chronic infection of the ear, hearing loss, vestibular (dizziness) abnormalities, otosclerosis, cholesteatoma, and other tumors of the ear.
Surgical procedures
Ossicular reconstruction
Cholesteatoma surgery
Cochlear implantation
Bone anchored hearing aids
Completely implantable hearing aids (Esteem Implant)
Neurotology expands the study of otologic disease to include neurologic and neurosurgical issues related to ear problems. Neurotology is a surgical subspecialty with a separate board certification process that focuses on bridging the gap between otology and neurosurgery, in order to better address diseases common to both specialties.
Surgical procedures
Acoustic Neuroma surgery
Surgery for dizziness, such as
Vestibular nerve section
Endolymphatic sac surgery
Gentimicin inner ear perfusions
Surgery for microvascular compression syndromes
Glossophayrngeal neuralgia
Hemifacial spasm
Lateral skull base surgery, used to treat
Acoustic neuroma
Paragangliomas, including glomus jugulare, glomus vagale, and carotid body tumors
Malignant lateral skull base tumors
Cochlear implantation
Auditory brainstem implants
Our Specialists
Erika Walsh, MD
Assistant Professor