Each month employees nominate their peers for Employee of the Month. Please review and familiarize yourself with the nomination policies and criteria. Also included is a button to view the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Mission Statement.
UAB Department of OB/GYN Mission Statement / Vision Statement / Pillars
Mission Statement
We will provide the Preeminent Level of Support to our Faculty and Programs.
Vision Statement
We make a daily commitment to grow and develop individually and as a team in order to be the best departmental support infrastructure, the standard against which others are measured.
Quality - We care about our work. We will achieve the highest standards by continually improving the quality of services we offer. We take pride in everything we do.
Finance/Resources – We are reliable people. We will contribute to the financial success of the department by being fiscally responsible and operationally efficient. We will be good stewards of all resources entrusted to us.
Growth - We value learning. We will actively develop and perfect our interpersonal and technical skills personally and professionally to meet continually changing opportunities and challenges.
Service – We are service-oriented. Our service will provide expert support and will be accountable, adaptable and innovative. In all things we will work with integrity, cooperation and professionalism and be motivated to continuously improve our methods.
People - We treat all people with respect. We will create a collaborative environment that emphasizes education, teamwork, integrity, and quality.
Service Excellence Award for Outstanding Staff in the Department of OB/GYN
The Department of OB/GYN Employee of the Month and Employee of the Year selection process has been developed out of a desire to highlight the exceptional efforts of individuals working within the Department of OB/GYN. Such individuals stand out among their peers not only for the successful execution of their work assignments, but also because of their dedication, creativity, and actions toward improving the atmosphere we all work in, and increasing the welfare of patients and fellow staff members and faculty.
The development of the selection process has created the need for a selection procedure executed by a Selection Committee. A selection Committee establishes the broad base of support necessary to engender, throughout the Department of OB/GYN, participation in the Employee of the Month and Employee of the Year program. Through the Selection Committee, the program belongs to all members of the Department of OB/GYN.
Committee Membership
- The Employee of the Month Selection Committee shall be composed of four (4) volunteers from the Employees of the Month from the previous year. The Employee of the Year selected from their group will serve as the Selection Committee chair for a total of five (5) Selection Committee members. Subsequently, this group will be referred to as the Selection Committee. The Selection Committee chair shall preside over this committee and coordinate the discharge of its responsibility. For the first year of operation of this plan, the Employee of the Month Selection Committee shall be composed of (5) employees with one each being selected from the Divisions of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Gyn Oncology, Urogynecology and Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility and Women’s Reproductive Healthcare. The members will elect a Selection Committee chair.
- An ad hoc committee on procedures, when needed, shall be established in order to provide guidance and continuity to the Selection Committee, observe the execution of the selection procedure, and comment on the development of the policy. This non‐voting body serves at the pleasure of the Selection Committee chair. The previous Selection Committee chair is the only mandated member of this committee. Other representatives from the Department of OB/GYN may petition for inclusion on this committee. No division shall be represented by more than one person on the ad hoc committee. No person shall serve on the ad hoc committee more than two (2) consecutive years. The inclusion of organizational representatives is welcomed within the guidelines presented, but should not be considered mandatory or essential to the execution of the Selection Committee’s duty.
Nomination Criteria
- Nominees must be in continuous service with the Department of OB/GYN for at least twelve months including HSF or UAB employment
- Nominees must be regular status UAB or HSF employees of the Department of OB/GYN and must NOT be a member of senior management including division directors, administrators and faculty.
- Former Employees of the Month are eligible for subsequent nomination twelve (12) months following selection.
- Nominations to be considered should be in the format outlined in the Employee of the Month nomination form. Nominations not in the format will be returned for revision.
- Nominations for Employee of the Month may be submitted by all UAB and HSF employees, including division directors, administrators, faculty and staff, etc.
- Nominations are encouraged for employees who exhibit exceptional performance, who embody the principles of the OB/GYN Staff Mission Statement, and who exemplify Reaching for Excellence, the foundation of AMC21, UAB Medicine’s strategic plan to become the Preferred Academic Medical Center of the 21st Century.
- Self-nominations are not acceptable and are inconsistent with the spirit of the Employee of the Month recognition.
- Members of the Selection Committee and the ad hoc procedure committee are not eligible to nominate Employees of the Month during their tenure.
Selection of Employee of the Month
- Only nominations received three (3) working days prior to the meeting date will be considered for selection for the following month. Nominations received after that date will be added to the next month’s agenda.
- The Selection Committee must establish a quorum of voting members before the selection process shall proceed. A quorum shall be defined as three (3) members. No member of the ad hoc committee will satisfy the quorum.
- The Selection Committee chairperson will contact the supervisor of the candidate to identify any difficulties with attendance or performance.
- Each nomination will be read by the Selection Committee and will be considered equally without comments (positive or negative) or campaigning.
- A five‐point scale has been developed in which to rate each of the five outlined areas.
- After all nominees have been rated by each committee member, the ratings are compiled on a summary sheet by the chair with observation by at least one other voting member.
- The ratings for each nominee will be summed, and then divided by five (the number of areas). No rounding off is acceptable.
- The nominee with the highest arithmetic average is considered the chosen employee of the next month.
- In case of a tie, the ratings will be recalculated to check for errors. If no errors are found the nominees are designated for the next two (2) months. Assignment to month is alphabetical (e.g.; 1st month to Adams, 2nd month to Zimmerman).
- Nominees not selected are included on the next month’s selection agenda. The nominees not selected for three (3) consecutive committee meetings will be returned to the nominating person(s) with encouragement to revise and resubmit the nomination.
Selection of Employee of the Year
- Choosing the Employee of the Year will be the last official duty of the Selection Committee in combination with the Selection chair. By definition, this will take place at the end of the year only after all twelve (12) Employees of the Month have been selected, since this is the pool from which the Employee of the Year will be selected. No other candidates, no matter how apparently deserving, shall be considered.
- The nominating information for each Employee of the year will be read by the Selection Committee and rated along the five dimensions previously noted. Particular attention not to editorialize or campaign should be emphasized. Previous ratings will not apply and should not be available for review during this selection process.
- After all Employees of the Month have been rated for the Employee of the Year selection; the ratings are compiled on a summary sheet by the Selection Committee chair with observation by at least one voting member.
- The ratings for each Employee of the Month will be summed, and then divided by five (the number of areas). No rounding off is acceptable. The Employee of the Month with the highest arithmetic average is considered the Employee of the Year.
- In case of a tie, the ratings will be recalculated to check for errors. If no errors are found, the nominating information on individuals whose ratings tied will be re‐read and re‐evaluated. An average for each will be calculated, and the Employee of the year designation will be given to the Employee of the Month with the highest average. This will be the only legitimate procedure for eliminating a tie.
- All committee members will keep the name of the selected Employee of the Month in confidence, pending official presentation. Failure of any member to respect this procedure will result in their dismissal from the selection process. No alternate will be accepted for a position vacated for this reason.
- All Committee members are expected to attend all the selection meetings.
- The Employee of the Month selection for the next month is presented to the Department of OB/GYN, Executive Administrator, by the end of the third week of the current month.
- The employee selected should be notified the last week of the previous month in order to enjoy a full month of deserved recognition.
- The awards will be presented by the Chair of the Department of OB/GYN, or the Executive Administrator or his/her designee, at a reception honoring the recipient. As part of the awards presentation, the Chair/Executive Administrator or designee will present the nomination form(s) submitted on behalf of the award recipient. The reception will be held during a time reserved for the monthly award presentation.
- The Employee of the Month will receive a lapel pin, an official awards photograph, an award plaque, copies of the nomination form(s), and a $100 gift card which, per IRS regulations, must be reported as taxable income.
- A copy of the recipient’s nomination form(s) will be placed in the recipient’s permanent departmental personnel file at the end of the month.
- The Employee of the Year will receive all awards and honors given to the Employee of the Month with the addition of a $250 gift card which, per IRS regulations, must be reported as taxable income.
To nominate an employee click here! (BlazerID)