Night Float (1/2 rotation, twice): Take floor calls for all antepartum, postpartum, and laboring patients, as well as participate in vaginal deliveries and primary cesarean sections.
Consults (1 rotation): Learn to assess and manage gynecologic consults in the Emergency Department or from various inpatient services with support from a PGY 3 & 4.
REI (1 rotation): Learn the basics in the management of patients with endocrine disorders as well as those with infertility of various etiologies. Master the basics of anatomical identification and technical skills for transvaginal ultrasonography.
High-Risk Obstetrics (1 rotation): Work closely with the upper-level resident, fellow, and attending on service to manage and treat patients with high-risk comorbidities in the antepartum setting.
L&D Gold (1 rotation): Manage high-risk labor with MFM fellows and attendings. Scrub primary cesarean sections. Manage postpartum patientsL&D Green (1/2 rotation, twice): Manage low-risk labor with WRH CNMs and attendings. Scrub primary cesarean sections.
Oncology (1 rotation): Assess and manage postop and inpatient gynecologic oncology patients. Assist in procedures with faculty and fellows. Achieve competency in both colposcopy and LEEP procedures.
Oncology Clinic (1 rotation): Work closely with gynecologic oncology faculty in evaluating patients with new cancer diagnoses and complex gyn surgical needs as well as those presenting for postoperative visits. Achieve competency in both colposcopy and LEEP procedures. -
Night Float (1 rotation): Take first call for all in-house gynecology, gynecologic oncology, urogynecology, and REI patients, as well as consults overnight. Perform repeat cesarean sections and emergent gynecologic cases.
Postpartum Rounder (1 rotation): Supervise and round with the L&D intern on all complex postpartum patients. Function as the upper-level on service while working to create plans of care with MFM faculty and fellows.
L&D (1 rotation): Refine surgical skills during repeat cesarean sections, dilation and curettages, dilation and evacuations, and cervical cerclage placements. Further hone skills related to labor management with supervised training for operative vaginal deliveries.
Urogynecology (1 rotation): Master the basics of pelvic floor anatomy as well as conservative and surgical management of pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence. Assist faculty with transvaginal hysterectomies, suspension procedures, and vaginal repairs.
Family Planning (1/2 rotation): Hands-on experience in first and second-trimester termination occurs during a 2-week out-of-state opportunity. Residents who choose not to travel will gain experience counseling patients regarding pregnancy options as well as participate in the complex contraception clinic.
SICU (1/2 rotation): Work with anesthesia and surgical residents/faculty to learn major principles in caring for critically ill surgical patients.
Obstetric Complications Clinic (1 rotation): Master the principles of routine prenatal care, as well as create plans of care for more complex obstetric patients with maternofetal comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, fetal anomalies, and psychiatric disorders.
Oncology (1 rotation): Continue to strengthen skills in managing in-house gynecologic oncology patients as well as participating in surgical procedures. Further competency in both colposcopy and LEEP procedures.
Gynecologic OR (1 rotation): Together with a PGY 4, participate in all benign gynecologic surgical cases. -
Night Float (1 rotation): Supervise the first- and second-year residents overnight and serve as the first call for more complex or acute obstetric and gynecologic issues.
High-Risk Obstetrics (1 rotation): In collaboration with MFM faculty/fellows, create plans of care for high-risk obstetric patients necessitating hospital admission. Supervise the first-year resident on service.
Obstetric Complications Clinic (1 rotation): Achieve competency by providing prenatal care for more complex obstetric patients with various maternofetal comorbidities, including complex cardiac disease, malignancy, neurologic disorders, and severe isoimmunization.
REI (1 rotation): Further develop skills to recognize, diagnose, and treat patients with underlying endocrine disorders, as well as those with infertility. Assist in operative/procedural cases, including hysteroscopy, myomectomy, and hysterosalpingography.
Ambulatory Gynecology (1 rotation): Work with faculty to evaluate and create plans of care for routine, benign gynecologic conditions in an ambulatory setting.
Consults (1 rotation): Supervise the first-year resident in assessing gynecologic consults from the Emergency Department and from inpatient services.
Oncology (1 rotation): Participate in the majority of gynecologic oncology surgical cases, in addition to creating plans of care and supervising the second-year resident in the management of floor patients.
Research/Ultrasound (1 rotation): Hone skills in detecting and characterizing more complex fetal and placental anomalies with ultrasound in the Fetal Care Clinic. Developed advanced GYN US skills, including SIS. Dedicated time to resident research in collaboration with a pre-selected research mentor. -
Night Float (1 rotation): Supervise third-, second-, and first-year residents in obstetric and gynecologic coverage overnight. Instruct both first- and second-year residents in all primary and repeat cesarean sections.
L&D (1 rotation): Assess and create plans of care for all laboring patients, as well as for patients presenting to triage for evaluation. Instruct both first- and second-year residents in all primary and repeat cesarean sections.
Gynecologic OR (1 rotation): Together with the second-year on service, participate and instruct in all benign gynecologic surgical cases, which largely include hysterectomy, salpingectomy, hysteroscopy, and diagnostic laparoscopy.
Urogynecology (1 rotation): Further master pelvic floor anatomy in treating patients with pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence. Hone skills in transvaginal surgery, which include sling procedures, hysterectomies, and vaginal repairs.
Consults (1 rotation): Supervise third- and first-year residents in assessing gynecologic and obstetric consults from the Emergency Department and from various inpatient services.
Gynecologic Continuity Clinic (1 rotation): Assess and manage patients with a wide range of gynecologic conditions. Schedule and complete cases for those deemed candidates for surgical intervention.
Oncology (1 rotation): Participate in the majority of gynecologic oncology surgical cases, in addition to creating plans of care and supervising the first-year resident in the management of floor patients.
Elective (1 rotation): Coordinate with faculty for either domestic or international experience particular to the resident’s field of interest.