Explore UAB

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At UAB, we feel strongly that medical education and scientific discovery go hand and hand. In an effort to provide a comprehensive residency training experience and support research career interests of our residents, we have created the Scholarly Research Block which provides up to 2 months of dedicated research time in the PGY-2 and PGY-3 years.  We also offer the opportunity to apply for a dedicated 3 month research block, known as the TIME-R program. Although our residents maintain some clinical responsibilities during these blocks, the focus is on the pursuit a scientific question and the development of skills necessary to navigate future scholarly activities.



The percentage of residents who completed a research elective and presented their work


The number of residents who completed a research elective


The percentage of PGY-2 and PGY-3 residents participating in a longitudinal QI/PS project


Total number of presentations at scientific meetings


Number of residents who published scholarly activity


The number of residents who presented at a scientific meeting


The number of residents who completed a QI/PS elective


Total number of scholarly publications


The percentage of residents who completed a research elective and published their work

Our residents have a wide range research interests from basic and translational science to quality improvement and medical education. Each year, many of our of residents go on to publish peer-reviewed manuscripts, review articles, case reports, book chapters, and present at local, regional and national meetings. Residents whose research efforts are selected for presentation at national conferences are given financial support for travel and presentation expenses.