Article 1: Preamble
1.1 Purpose of Bylaws
These Bylaws describe the responsibilities of faculty and key administrative officers of the University of Alabama at Birmingham Marnix E. Heersink School of Medicine, and the relationships among the various administrative units of the School. The University of Alabama at Birmingham Faculty Handbook sets forth the policies and procedures that apply to all UAB faculty members, including those in the UAB Heersink School of Medicine. Statements from the Faculty Handbook will be referenced in these Bylaws where they address issues relevant to faculty in the Heersink School of Medicine.
1.2 Heersink School of Medicine Mission
To advance health and healing through patient care, education, and discovery.
1.3 Heersink School of Medicine Vision
To be a leader in making a global impact through innovative care, transformative discovery, and collaborative teaching and learning.
Article 2: Administration
2.1 Senior Vice President for Medicine and Dean, Heersink School of Medicine
Position Description: The Senior Vice President (SVP) for Medicine and Dean of the Heersink School of Medicine oversees medical education for UAB in the University of Alabama System, the school’s biomedical research enterprise, the delivery of outstanding patient care, and serves as the Chair of the University of Alabama Health Services Foundation (UAHSF) Board. They also work with the President and the Provost to build close and collaborative relationships between the medical school and other schools and departments on campus, including promotion of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teaching and research. They also serve on the President’s Cabinet, the Academic Programs Council (APC) and the Executive Committee of the APC. The SVP and Dean holds primary responsibility for all personnel, financial, educational and student matters for the Heersink School of Medicine, which, in addition to the programs at UAB, includes third and fourth year programs in Montgomery, Tuscaloosa and Huntsville. They also have educational and fiscal responsibility for the Graduate Medical Education Programs (residents and fellows) in Birmingham, Huntsville, Selma and Montgomery. The SVP and Dean provides leadership and holds responsibility for the educational and research effectiveness of the Clinical Departments of the Heersink School of Medicine and, with the Dean of the School of Dentistry, the Joint Health Sciences Departments. The SVP and Dean serves on the Alliance Joint Leadership Committee (AJLC).
Appointment: The SVP for Medicine and Dean is appointed by the UAB President.
Reporting: The SVP for Medicine and Dean reports to the UAB President on matters of vision, strategic planning, oversight and investment for biomedical research and education in the Heersink School of Medicine. As Dean of the Heersink School of Medicine, this position also reports to the Provost on routine academic and operational matters.
Direct Reports: Those in the Heersink School of Medicine reporting directly to the SVP and Dean are the Joint Health Science Department Chairs (jointly with the Dean of Dentistry), Clinical Department Chairs, Senior Vice Dean, Senior Associate Dean for Finance and Administration, and O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB Director.2.2 Senior Deans
The SVP and Dean will appoint a Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and senior deans in the areas of administration and finance, research, medical education, and other areas deemed necessary by the SVP and Dean. These individuals will have responsibility for development and implementation of policies and initiatives and allocation of resources in their respective domains, with specific duties defined by the SVP and Dean. They may, together with the SVP and Dean, recruit additional administrative officers to carry out their responsibilities.
2.3 Regional Campus Deans
The SVP and Dean will appoint Regional Campus Deans to oversee the academic programs in the Heersink School of Medicine in Huntsville, Tuscaloosa (dually appointed with the Provost of the University of Alabama), and Montgomery. They will be responsible for ensuring that programs at these sites are committed to high quality medical education in a manner compatible with the aims, goals, and mission of the Heersink School of Medicine. They are also responsible for maintaining positive relationships between community physicians, medical centers affiliated with the regional campus, and to work collegially with UAB’s campuses on issues of statewide concern. Regional campus deans are expected to hire the highest quality faculty to provide the highest quality health care and education possible.
2.4 Standing Administrative Committees
2.4.1 Faculty Council & Clinical Faculty Council Faculty Council
Duties: The Faculty Council is responsible for making recommendations to the SVP and Dean on appointments, promotions, and tenure awards for UAB regular faculty members on the tenure track and non-tenure track in the Heersink School of Medicine. In addition, the Faculty Council serves as a principle advisory committee to the SVP and Dean.
Authority: The Faculty Council is advisory to the SVP and Dean.
• Dean of Faculty Affairs (ex officio, non-voting)
• Twenty-seven (27) Heersink School of Medicine faculty members with a part-time or full-time appointment at UAB. Department chairs and faculty with dean appointments may not serve as members.
• Nineteen (19) members elected by the faculty; the SVP and Dean or designee constructs a ballot of eligible faculty members for distribution to and vote by the regular faculty.
• Eight (8) members appointed by the SVP and Dean.
• The Faculty Council will recommend a Vice Chair who will be appointed by the SVP and Dean.
The Vice Chair must have previously served as a regular member of the Faculty Council for at least one three-year term. This prior service may have occurred in an earlier appointment to the Faculty Council. With the endorsement of the Faculty Council membership and the approval of the SVP and Dean, the Vice Chair will become the Chair at the conclusion of their Vice Chair term. The term of service for the Vice Chair and for the Chair is three years. The individual selected as the Vice Chair should alternately be from a Joint Health Sciences Department and Clinical Department. Terms of appointment are three (3) years with one possible three (3) year renewal. Exception for the appointment limitation is extended to the Vice Chair so that they may serve one term as Chair. A simple majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for both regular and called meetings. Members who synchronously connect to the meeting electronically shall be voting members and be counted for the quorum. Clinical Faculty Council
Duties: The Clinical Faculty Council is responsible for making recommendations to the SVP and Dean on appointments and promotions for faculty members on the Academic Clinician Track in the Heersink School of Medicine.
Authority: The Clinical Faculty Council is advisory to the SVP and Dean.
• Dean of Faculty Affairs (ex officio, non-voting)
• Eleven (11) to Fifteen (15) clinical faculty (Academic Clinician Track and/or dually appointed clinical faculty). Approximately 70% of members elected by clinical faculty. Dean or designee constructs a ballot of eligible faculty members for distribution to and vote by the clinical faculty. 30% of members appointed by the SVP and Dean.
• Department chairs and faculty with dean appointments may not serve as members.
• The Clinical Faculty Council will recommend a Vice Chair who will be appointed by the SVP and Dean.
The Vice Chair must have previously served at least part of a term as a regular member of the Clinical Faculty Council. This prior service may have occurred in an earlier appointment to the Clinical Faculty Council. With the endorsement of the Faculty Council membership and the approval of the SVP and Dean, the Vice Chair will become the Chair at the conclusion of their Vice Chair term. The term of service for the Vice Chair and for the Chair is three years. Terms of appointment for Clinical Faculty Council members are three (3) years with one possible three (3) year renewal. The term of the Vice Chair may extend beyond six-years so the Vice-chair may serve one term as Chair.2.4.2 Executive Committee
Duties: The Executive Committee is the ultimate advisory committee to the SVP and Dean on issues related to the mission and vision of the Heersink School of Medicine.
Authority: The Executive Committee is advisory to the SVP and Dean and at the SVP and Dean’s discretion may serve as a decision-making body.
• SVP and Dean (ex-officio, non-voting)
• All Clinical and Joint Health Sciences Department Chairs
• Regional Campus Deans
• Senior Associate Dean for Academic affairs (ex officio; non-voting)
• Senior Deans (ex officio; non-voting)
• Other members of leadership as requested by the SVP and Dean
The SVP and Dean serves as the Chair of the Executive Committee. Members serve throughout the period that they are a Chair, Senior Associate Dean for Academic affairs, Regional or Senior Dean, or as requested by the SVP and Dean. A simple majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for both regular and called meetings. Members who synchronously connect to the meeting electronically shall be voting members and be counted for the quorum.2.4.3 Medical Education Committee
Duties: The Medical Education Committee (MEC) has primary responsibility for the undergraduate medical education curriculum, course and clerkship oversight; monitors program implementation; and assists in program evaluation. In addition, the MEC serves as an information clearinghouse by which the Heersink School of Medicine faculty, students, and administration are informed about curricular and educational activities at all four campuses and elsewhere.
Authority: The MEC has final authority on the content of the medical school educational program and is advisory to the SVP and Dean on medical educational resources.
• Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education (ex officio, non-voting)
• Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education (ex officio, non-voting)
• Associate Dean for Students (ex officio, non-voting)
• Associate Dean for Admissions and Enrollment Management (ex officio, non-voting)
• Assistant Dean for Clinical Education (ex officio, non-voting)
• Assistant Dean for Clinical Simulation (ex officio, non-voting)
• Assistant Dean for Community-Engaged Scholarship (ex officio, non-voting)
• Assistant Dean for Students (ex officio, non-voting)
• Immediate Past-Chair of the MEC (ex officio, non-voting)
• Designated representative from Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences (ex officio, non-voting)
• Director of Educational Research, Evaluation, and Assessment (ex officio, non-voting)
• Director of Academic Success (ex officio, non-voting)
• Director of Faculty and Curriculum Development (ex officio, non-voting)
• Director of Medical Education Information Services (MEIS) (ex officio, non-voting)
• Director of Medical Education Accreditation and Continuous Quality Improvement (ex officio, non-voting)
• One representative from each of the regional campuses selected by their respective
• Deans (ex officio, non-voting)
• MEC Chair
• MEC Vice Chair
• MEC Special Programs Subcommittee Chair
• MEC Clinical Subcommittee Chair
• MEC Pre-clinical Subcommittee Chair
• Pre-clinical Module Directors (2)
• Course Director for Introduction to Clinical Medicine, or their designee
• Course Director for Scholarly Activity
• Clerkship Director and regional liaisons to the primary clerkship director, at least one from each campus (4)
• At-large faculty, including representatives of Joint Health Sciences Departments and Clinical Departments, including one to three faculty members from each regional campus (14-18)
• UAB Residents (2)
• Students to represent all campuses and years, including one medical scientist training program (MSTP) representative (12-16)
All members are appointed by the Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education. Faculty terms are three (3) years, and medical student terms are one (1) year. All terms are renewable. A simple majority of the voting members shall constitute a quorum for both regular and called meetings. Members who synchronously connect to the meeting electronically shall be counted for the quorum.
The MEC Chair and MEC Vice Chair serve two-year terms.2.4.4 Dean’s Council on Graduate Medical Education
Duties: The Dean’s Council on Graduate Medical Education (DCGME) works in collaboration with the Designated Institutional Official (DIO) and has authority and responsibility for the oversight and administration of all University Hospital-sponsored ACGME-accredited and ACGME-approved programs.
Authority: The DCGME is advisory to the SVP and Dean and the Chief Executive Officer of UAB Hospital.
• Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education and DIO (ex officio, voting)
• Assistant Dean for Graduate Medical Education and Associate DIO (ex officio, voting)
• A representative from the Office of the Chief of Staff, UAB Hospital (ex-officio, voting)
• Associate Chief of Staff for Education, Birmingham Veterans Affairs Medical Center (ex officio, voting)
• Officers of the House Staff Council (ex officio, voting)
• Four at-large members of the House Staff
• Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education (ex officio, voting)
• A representative group of the residency training program directors
• A representative group of at-large teaching faculty members
• Two residency program coordinators
The Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education and DIO serves as the Chair; the Vice Chair and the Secretary are selected from the members of the Executive Committee. Regular members of the DCGME are appointed by the DCGME Chair and serve three-year terms. Program Coordinators are appointed by the DCGME Chair and serve two-year terms. A simple majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for both regular and called meetings. Members who synchronously connect to the meeting electronically shall be voting members and be counted for the quorum.2.4.5 Admissions Committees Admissions Executive Committee
Duties: The Admissions Executive Committee is responsible for developing and revising all policies and requirements related to admission to the Heersink School of Medicine.
Authority: The Admissions Executive Committee is advisory to the SVP and Dean.
• Associate Dean for Admissions and Enrollment Management
• Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education (ex-officio, non-voting)
• A minimum of five (5) faculty members, with representation from all campuses
• Members appointed by the Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education
A simple majority of the voting members shall constitute a quorum for both regular and called meetings. Members who synchronously connect to the meeting electronically shall be counted for the quorum. Admissions Committee
Duties: The Admissions Committee conducts initial application evaluations, interviews and evaluates applicants for admission.
Authority: Advisory to the Admissions Selection Committee
• Associate Dean for Admissions and Enrollment Management
• A minimum of 50 members appointed by the Admissions Executive Committee
A simple majority of the voting members shall constitute a quorum for both regular and called meetings. Members who synchronously connect to the meeting electronically shall be counted for the quorum. Admissions Selection Committee
Duties: The Admissions Selection Committee is the decision-making body responsible for all decisions related to medical student admissions.
Authority: The Admissions Selection Committee has final authority for all admissions decisions. The Admissions Selection Committee provides input to the Admissions Executive Committee on policy changes.
• Associate Dean for Admissions and Enrollment Management
• A minimum of eight (8) members of the Admissions Committee, with representation from all campuses
• Majority of committee members should be faculty
• Members appointed by the Admissions Executive Committee
A simple majority of the voting members shall constitute a quorum for both regular and called meetings. Members who synchronously connect to the meeting electronically shall be counted for the quorum.2.4.6 Student Academic Standing Committee
Duties: To uphold a uniform standard for academic promotion and standing, the Heersink School of Medicine utilizes a single committee, the Student Academic Standing Committee (SASC), charged with determining medical student academic standing, progress, promotion, remediation and dismissal. This committee will review all pertinent information regarding student academic standing and promotion, and determine student academic standing and progress throughout all four academic years at the Heersink School of Medicine.
Authority: The SASC has the authority regarding student promotion, dismissal, and remediation, but the dean has the authority to change the decisions of the SASC as part of the student appeal process.
• SASC Chair
• Representatives of the Joint Health Sciences Departments (six)
• Representatives of the Clinical Departments (twelve), with two members from each regional campus
• Medical students (two)
• Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education (ex-officio, non-voting)
• Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education (ex-officio, non-voting)
• Associate Dean for Students (ex-officio, non-voting)
• Registrar (ex-officio, non-voting)
A simple majority of the voting members shall constitute a quorum for both regular and called meetings. Members who synchronously connect to the meeting electronically shall be counted for the quorum. -
Article 3: Departments
3.1 Organizational Chart
Senior Vice President for Medicine & Dean
Heersink School of MedicineAnesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine
Medical Education
Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics*
Biomedical Engineering*
Biomedical Informatics and Data Sciences*
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Cell, Developmental & Integrative Biology*
Psychiatry & Behavioral Neurobiology
Radiation Oncology
Emergency Medicine
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Family & Community Medicine
Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
Orthopaedic Surgery
*Joint Health Sciences Department
**Clinical & Joint Health Sciences Department3.2 Purpose
Departments are administrative units within the Heersink School of Medicine, serving as the academic home for faculty who carry out the clinical, research, and educational missions of the Heersink School of Medicine.
3.3 Forming or Disbanding Departments
Formation of new departments or disbanding of existing departments requires action by the University of Alabama System Board of Trustees and must comply the University of Alabama System Board Rules. Proposals are made by the UAB Provost following approval by a majority vote of the Heersink School of Medicine Executive Committee and recommendation of the SVP and Dean.
3.4 Chair
Position Description: The department chair is appointed by the SVP and Dean, serves as chief administrative and academic officer of the department, and is responsible for promoting and maintaining excellence and integrity in teaching, research, and patient care (for clinical departments). The chair oversees recruitment, retention, and promotion of an appropriate number of high-quality faculty and staff to carry out the mission of the department and the Heersink School of Medicine and oversees assessment of faculty and staff performance. The chair is responsible for the financial management of the department and ensuring compliance with UAB, UAB Health System, Heersink School of Medicine, and UAHSF policies and procedures. The chair leads strategic planning for the department and participates in strategic planning for the Heersink School of Medicine. The chair is expected to participate in the Executive Committee of the Heersink School of Medicine, to provide timely advice to the SVP and Dean and/or members of the Dean’s Leadership Team on Heersink School of Medicine matters, and to communicate strategic direction of the Heersink School of Medicine, the University, UAB Health System, and UAHSF to faculty of the department.
3.5 Departmental Review
3.5.1 Departmental Annual Review
Heersink School of Medicine departments undergo an annual review to provide leadership in the school and UAB Health System an understanding of the accomplishments, opportunities and challenges across all missions in each department. The review covers department goals; programmatic and financial highlights; faculty development, recruitment, and retention; financial performance; and challenges. The review process includes a series of reports of the department’s performance year-to-date and a report prepared by the department and presented to leadership. Individual department meetings follow and are coordinated by the SVP and Dean’s office to include senior leaders from the Heersink School of Medicine and UAB Health System.
3.5.2 Departmental In-Depth Review
The Heersink School of Medicine formally reviews each department on a periodic (generally six-year) schedule. The objectives of these reviews are:
• To assure ongoing excellence in keeping with the School of Medicine’s vision of being the preferred academic medical center of the 21st century;
• To assess the department’s continued alignment with the strategic objectives of the School of Medicine and the University;
• To provide departments with opportunities for review and assessment of directions, goals, strengths and opportunities for improvement in the areas of finance and administration, patient care (for clinical departments), research and discovery, and education and learning;
• To assess the present and future programmatic and operational needs of each department in order to achieve its stated objectives;
• To examine the degree to which the department coordinates its activities with centers and with other departments in contributing to the mission of the School of Medicine;
• To provide a mechanism by which members of a department can express views concerning the competence and responsiveness of departmental leadership insofar as it impacts the integration and alignment of the missions;
• To evaluate the departmental leadership for consideration of ongoing appointment.
The results of the annual reviews inform on the structure of the in-depth review, which is tailored by the SVP and Dean. The in-depth review can include a financial review, an internal review and/or external review.3.6 Department Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Review Committees
3.6.1 Department Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Review Committees for Tenure Track and Non-tenure Track
Duties: Department Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Review Committees (APT Committees) review all candidates as proposed by the chair for appointment, promotion, or tenure award. All tenure-earning faculty members should be proposed for review by their department committee for award of tenure prior to one year before the end of the specified maximum tenure-earning period.
Reporting: Department Chair
Professor/Associate Professor: Appointments to Professor and Associate Professor require prior review and approval of the department APT committee, Chair, Faculty Council, and then must be reviewed by the SVP and Dean, Provost, and President.
Instructor/Assistant Professor: Appointments to Instructor and Assistant Professor require appropriate department review and approval as established by Heersink School of Medicine policy, then review and approval of the SVP and Dean, Provost, and President. Such appointments and/or promotions do not require prior review or approval by the Faculty Council prior to submission to the SVP and Dean for review and approval.
Promotions must always be at the same tenure status (non-tenure track or tenure track) unless the department can provide documentation prior to the promotion proposal establishing that a change in tenure status was approved. Appointment change from a tenure-earning to a non-tenure-earning faculty position requires notification of the faculty member whose status is to change and the approval of their Chair, Dean, and Provost. Appointment change from a non-tenure-earning to a tenure-earning position requires approval by the Vice President for Access & Engagement; the Provost; and the Dean. Individuals initially appointed to the non-tenure-earning faculty may only be considered for appointment to a tenure-earning faculty position if the search under which they were selected was for a tenure-earning faculty position. Otherwise, changing the tenure status from non-tenure-earning to tenure-earning can only be accomplished for faculty seeking appointment to a different position, if selected through a national-level recruitment.
Department Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee will:
• Assess the candidate’s strength and weakness within the established guidelines for appointments, promotions, and tenure of the school and university
• Adhere to UAB guidelines for review of tenure decisions, including external and internal reviews of scholarly productivity
• Assess non-tenure earning faculty for promotion based on established school criteria
• Forward proposals for appointments, promotions, and/or awards or tenure by the deadlines established, accompanied by the department committee’s written assessment, recorded vote, and recommendation to the department chair3.6.2 Department Clinical Appointment and Promotion Review Committees for Academic Clinician Track
Duties: Department Clinical Appointment and Promotion Committees review all candidates as proposed by the chair for appointment and promotion of Academic Clinician Track Faculty.
Reporting: Department Chair
Clinical Professor/Clinical Associate Professor: Appointments to Clinical Professor and Clinical Associate Professor require prior review and approval of the department Appointment and Promotion Committee, Chair, Clinical Faculty Council, and then must be reviewed by the SVP and Dean.
Clinical Instructor/Clinical Assistant Professor: Appointments to Clinical Instructor and Clinical Assistant Professor require appropriate department review and approval as established by Heersink School of Medicine policy, then review and approval of the SVP and Dean. Such appointments and/or promotions do not require prior review or approval by the Clinical Faculty Council prior to submission to the SVP and Dean for review and approval.
Department Appointment and Promotion Committee will:
• Assess the candidate’s strength and weakness within the established guidelines for appointments and promotions of the school and university
• Assess faculty for promotion based on established school criteria
• Forward proposals for appointments and promotions by the deadlines established, accompanied by the department committee’s written assessment, recorded vote, and recommendation to the department chair -
Article 4: Faculty
4.1 Designations (academic ranks)
Faculty ranks are defined in the UAB Faculty Handbook, Article 2. The general criteria for appointment or promotion to each rank are described below. The faculty titles listed herein may be used for tenure-earning or tenured faculty, and each faculty rank may be used with or such descriptive terms as Adjunct, Clinical, Research, Teaching and Visiting for non-tenure-earning faculty.
4.1.1 Instructor
Appointment as Instructor is non-tenure-earning and typically requires a doctorate-level degree. In the rare circumstance a department proposes hiring a candidate without a terminal degree, a justification of need must be submitted to the HSOM Dean’s Office to request pre-approval. In some special cases, demonstrated technical proficiency or professional experience may serve in lieu of formal training or an academic terminal degree.
4.1.2 Assistant Professor
Appointment as an Assistant Professor usually requires two or more years’ experience following receipt of terminal degree and potential to make significant academic contributions.
4.1.3 Associate Professor
Associate Professor is a rank that usually requires a terminal degree and service as an Assistant Professor for five or more years at UAB or equivalent service elsewhere. The individual holding this rank should have demonstrated the ability to make significant contributions in academic duties. Such contributions should be of high quality and should be nationally recognized (local recognition for Clinical Associate Professors on the Academic Clinician Track). Further, the individual should show promise of continued professional growth.
4.1.4 Professor
Professor is the highest academic rank granted at UAB except for a limited number of University professors, distinguished professors, or endowed professorships. The rank of Professor requires the demonstration of nationally recognized excellence (local recognition for Clinical Professors on the Academic Clinician Track) in the conduct of academic duties. The rank of Professor usually requires academic service as an Associate Professor for at least five years at UAB or equivalent service elsewhere.
4.2 Promotion and Tenure Procedures
Criteria for promotion include contributions in the areas of research, teaching, and service. Individuals appointed in a tenure-earning track are expected to demonstrate excellence or potential for excellence in at least two of these three areas; those in a non-tenure earning track are expected to demonstrate excellence or potential for excellence in any one area. Faculty members on the Academic Clinician track are focused primarily on service in the form of patient care and so the expectation is that this would be their area of excellence.
4.2.1 Assistant Professor
Promotion to this rank usually requires the following:
• Two or more years of experience following receipt of Doctorate
• Academic credentials and demonstration of level of specialized accomplishment appropriate to the mission of the Department and the Heersink School of Medicine
• An expectation of collegiality and participation in service in the Department and/or Heersink School of Medicine
• Demonstration of potential for scholarly achievement in areas of research, teaching, and/or service, as appropriate4.2.2 Associate Professor
Promotion to this rank usually requires the following:
• Five or more years in the rank of Assistant Professor
• Academic credentials and demonstration of level of specialized accomplishment appropriate to the mission of the Department and the Heersink School of Medicine
• Demonstration of collegiality and involvement in the Department and/or Heersink School of Medicine
• Evidence of scholarly achievement in areas of research, teaching, and/or service, as appropriate, documented by peer recognition at a national level (local recognition for Clinical Associate Professors on the Academic Clinician Track)4.2.3 Professor
Promotion to this rank usually requires the following:
• Distinguished performance as an associate professor, with at least 5 years in rank.
• Academic credentials and demonstration of level of specialized accomplishment appropriate to the mission of the Department and the Heersink School of Medicine.
• Demonstration of collegiality, involvement, and leadership as a citizen of the Department and/or Heersink School of Medicine.
• Evidence of sustained scholarly achievement and productivity in the areas of research, teaching, and/or service, as appropriate.
• Demonstration of nationally recognized excellence in the conduct of academic duties (local recognition for Clinical Professors on the Academic Clinician Track).
Examples of activities that are consistent with the above guidelines follow for each of the three academic activities:
1. Continued demonstration of initiative, independence, and sustained activity in basic science, clinical, outcomes or population research.
2. Sustained productivity as author of papers reporting independent research findings in peer-reviewed journals.
3. Record of sustained ability to obtain grants and contracts for support of research.
4. Receipt of recognition of excellence in research by professional or scientific institutions or organizations.
5. Continued critical contribution(s) to large research team(s).
6. Receipt of invitations to preside over sessions at national or international or scientific meetings.
7. Participation in external review committees, study sections, or service as editor of scientific or professional journals.
1. Sustained and outstanding performance in the examples cited for the associate professor level.
2. Leadership through design, organization, coordination, and evaluation of a course(s).
3. Administrative responsibility at the school or departmental level for curriculum.
4. Leadership in continuing education or other professional programs; invitations as visiting professor at other institutions
5. Supervision of staff teaching within a course, division, department, or within the school.
6. Sustained productivity in publication of papers and/or presentations at professional meetings on topics related to education.
7. Sustained innovation and leadership in production of texts, educational software, or courseware.
8. Record of sustained ability to maintain external funding to support innovative educational projects.
9. Sustained recognition as an exemplary scientist, teacher or clinician whose activities provide an outstanding role model for students.
1. Continued demonstration of excellence in patient care and/or service in critical administrative, core laboratory, or committee roles that augment the missions of the Department and/or Heersink School of Medicine.
2. Senior staff responsibility for a service or specific area of patient care or clinical teaching.
3. Recognition as an authority by other schools and departments within UAB and by local, state, regional and national organizations or institutions.
4. Appointment to responsible position(s) within the institution or its affiliates (e.g., chairs a committee, department, or division; membership on major Department or Heersink School of Medicine committees).
5. Engages in mentoring of faculty colleagues.
6. Continued service on committees to develop clinical practice guidelines or to formulate regional or national healthcare policies.
7. Election to responsible positions on civic boards or organizations concerned with health care issues at the local, state, regional, national or international levels.4.2.4 Tenure Guidelines
Any faculty member appointed to a tenure-earning position shall have a maximum of ten (10) years to earn tenure. If tenure has not been award prior to one year before the end of the specified maximum tenure-earning period, the final year shall be a terminal appointment. Tenure decisions should be made separately from appointment or promotion decisions. These decisions may be made at the same time or at separate points in time.
Criteria for granting tenure include the following:
• Achievement of rank of at least Associate Professor;
• Academic credentials consistent with the missions of the department and the Heersink School of Medicine;
• National reputation reflected by peer recognition, presentations at national professional meetings, and productivity in published works;
• Evidence of positive institutional citizenship, manifest as effective participation in service activities, mentoring of more junior colleagues, support of University missions and values, collegiality and leadership initiative;
• Evidence of sustained, significant scholarly achievement in at least two of three areas, including research, teaching, and service. -
Article 5: Planning and Policy Development
5.1 Strategic Planning
The SVP and Dean is responsible for maintaining an up-to-date strategic plan for the Heersink School of Medicine, including statement of mission; strategic initiatives in clinical service, education, and research; and identification of metric of performance. This strategic plan should be conducted in concert with the UAB Health System strategic plan and the UAB strategic plan and coordinated with those plans.
Article 6: Communications
6.1 Written Communications
Formal written communication must be provided to all faculty members from the SVP and Dean or department chairs at least seven (7) days prior to enactment of new policies approved by the SVP and Dean or the Executive Committee.
6.2 Faculty Meetings
Departments or departmental divisions will hold regular faculty meetings, preferably monthly, to inform faculty of important developments at the level of the department, the Heersink School of Medicine, or the University.
Article 7: Amendments
Amendments to these Bylaws may be made following a vote by the Executive Committee, requiring a 2/3 majority for enactment.
(Adopted October 15, 2013; last amended December 12, 2023.)
Adopted October 15, 2013; last amended December 12, 2023.