The Mary Heersink Institute for Global Health partners with global health experts in multi-disciplinary fields to share cutting-edge information and catalyze innovative ideas for global health research, practice, and education.
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Previous Seminars
Dr. Michael Vinikoor
Hepatitis B Cure: State of the Science and Future Directions
Dr. Jodie Dionne and Dr. Michael Vinikoor
Hepatitis B in Africa: New Tools and Progress Toward Elimination
Dr. James Johnston
Development of a Modular Toolkit for Effective, Ethical, and Equitable Global Neurosurgical Education and Collaboration
Dr. Albert Manasyan
Rethinking Strategies for Screening, Diagnosis, and Management of STIs in Zambia
Dr. Marcos Ribeiro
Culturally relevant smoking cessation program for people living with HIV in Brazil: Lessons learned and future directions
Dr. German Henostroza
Tropical Medicine Education: From the classroom to the field
Dr. Nelly Mugo
Towards cervical cancer elimination: Perspectives from the field
Dr. Manuel Ramirez-Zea
The evolution of nutritional and chronic health problems
Dr. Mosa Moshabela
Making global health partnerships more equitable
Dr. Mansoor Saleh
Establishing a clinical research program in Kenya and the US: Lessons learned
Dr. Benjamin Chi
Preventing HIV in pregnant women and infants: A family-based approach