Michael Anthony Miller passed away unexpectedly on December 26, 2018. What he gave his friends and loved ones spills so far beyond what we can express in a few paragraphs.
He had a wonderful and productive research career in the Department of Cell, Integrative and Developmental Biology (CDIB) at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). He understood biology to be a vast, unexplored territory, full of solutions to the world's problems and taught his students that finding those solutions required curiosity, persistence, and rigor. He derived great pleasure from his own independent investigation and from training future scientists.
In 2016, he was honored to receive the Alma B. Maxwell-UAHSF Endowed Chair in Biomedical Research in the School of Medicine. While achieving a distinguished career in cell and developmental biology research, Michael remained committed to the other activities he loved, including cycling, travel, and his beloved motorcycles.
In recognition of Michael's desire to encourage the study of science and provide opportunities to students who would be the first in their families to attend college, a scholarship fund in his name has been established.
CDIB has also established an annual memorial lecture in Dr. Miller’s name. Since Dr. Miller was a strong advocate for minorities in science, CDIB’s trainees have the privilege of choosing one developmental biologist each year with similar ideas and goals to present in the Departmental Seminar Series.
Past Michael Miller Memorial Seminar Speakers
Karyn Esser, Ph.D.
University of Florida
Richard Behringer, Ph.D.
The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Inaugural Seminar
Crystal Rogers, Ph.D.
University of California Davis