Faculty Faculty
Nagi, Peter, M.D.
Associate Professor
Vice Chair and Director, Division of Pain MedicineResearch and Clinical Interests
Pain Medicine -
Ness, Timothy, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
Research and Clinical Interests
Pain Medicine, Pain Research -
Nooli, Nishankkumar, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Research and Clinical Interests
Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology, 2D and 3D Transesophageal Echocardiography, Heart Transplantation
PubMed -
Norman, Blake, M.D., CMQ
Associate Professor
Director of CQI
Associate Program Director
Chief Value Officer
Paiste, Juhan, M.D., M.B.A., C.P.E.
Executive Vice Chair for Operations and IntegrationResearch and Clinical Interests
Cardiac Anesthesia -
Parks, Dale, Ph.D.
Director of Information Technologies, AnesthesiologyClinical and Research Interests
Cardiovascular Disease, Hepatoenteric Ischemia-Reperfusion, Multiple Organ Dysfunction -
Paul, Christopher, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Clinical and Research Interests
Neuromodulation in the setting of chronic pain, new and expanding indications for spinal cord stimulation -
Phillips, Mark, M.D., FASA
Medical Director, GI Endoscopy Anesthesia
Associate Editor, A&A PracticeResearch and Clinical Interests
Non-Operating Room Anesthesia, Anesthesia for GI Endoscopy -
Piennette, Paul, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Director of Medical Student RotationResearch and Clinical Interests
Regional Anesthesia, Acute Pain Medicine, Regional Anesthesia Education, Medical Education -
Pierce, Albert, M.D.
Executive Medical Director for Anesthesia Services-University Hospital
Vice Chair and Division Director-Multispecialty Anesthesia
Medical Director of Perioperative Specialty Labs
Head of Trauma and Acute Care Anesthesia
Program Director, Trauma and Acute Care Fellowship -
Pittet, Jean-Francois, M.D.
Distinguished Professor
David Hill Chestnut Endowed Professor -
Racine, Christopher, M.D.
Rafield, Grace, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Director, Anesthesiology Simulation ProgramResearch and Clinical Interests
Multispecialty Anesthesia -
Restrepo Cardenas, Juan C., M.D.
Assistant Professor
Clinical Interests
Cardiothoracic Anesthesia, TEE, Structural Heart Disease Interventions -
Riesenberg, Lee Ann, Ph.D., R.N., C.M.Q.
Associate Director EducationResearch and Clinical Interests
Transitions of Care, Quality Improvement and Patient Safety, Systematic Reviews of the Literature, Medical Education Research -
Routman, Justin, M.D., MSHA
Associate Professor
Vice Chair and Division Director for Multispecialty AnesthesiaClinical Interests
Non-Operating Room Anesthesia (NORA), Efficiency & Logistics, Operations Management, Collaborative OPtimization, Quality Improvement -
Sadler, Jonathan, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Research and Clinical Interests
Community Anesthesia -
Sakawi, Yasser, M.D.
Interim Vice Chair, Division of Obstetric AnesthesiologyResearch and Clinical Interests
Obstetric Anesthesiology -
Samford, Craig, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Research and Clinical Interests
Regional Anesthesia; Point-of-Care Ultrasound -
Sander, Phillip, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Research and Clinical Interests
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