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Form Name Description
Academic Appeal Form Use this form to request exception to the policies for registration, withdrawal, or payment deadlines or fees.
Accelerated Bachelors/Masters Degree Program Form Undergraduates applying to an ABM program need to submit this form to identify which courses will count as shared credit.
Acknowledgement of Non-Degree Policies All graduate non-degree seeking students will be required to read and sign this form prior to registration at UAB.
Application for Graduate Degree / Certificate The application must be submitted by the deadline date listed on our website; however, check with your department as some programs have earlier deadline dates (e.g. School of Education and Human Sciences). Upon submission of the application for degree/certificate, a fee will be assessed to your student account. This fee covers the verification of your curriculum requirements and your diploma (if earning a graduate degree) and will only be assessed the first time you apply to graduate. The fee for graduate degrees is $50 and the fee for graduate certificates is $20. Master's students in the School of Nursing should click here to locate the appropriate application for degree which should be submitted directly to
Application for Readmission to the Graduate Degree Program You can submit this application if you were admitted to a UAB graduate degree program within the last five years, have not registered for one or more years, and now wish to apply for readmission to the same program. *This form is not applicable to MSN and DNP students in the School of Nursing. Please direct questions to the School of Nursing at (205) 975-7529.
Best Practices for the Mentor/Mentee Relationship This document provides guiding principles to support the development of a positive relationship between a mentor and mentee.
Candidacy Application These forms and all required attachments must be completed and submitted to the Graduate School before you can register for research hours.
Change Non-Degree Seeking Credit to Degree-Seeking Credit Students who wish to convert non-degree credit (completed at UAB) to degree-seeking credit must complete this form and obtain the required signatures.
Change of Diploma Mailing Address Your diploma will be mailed to the address listed on your Application for Degree which was submitted as your intent to graduate. If there has been a change to your diploma mailing address, you must complete this form and return it to the Graduate School no later than your graduation date.
Change/Update Graduate Program Students who have been admitted to a degree-seeking program and want to switch to another degree-seeking program must complete this form and obtain the required signatures.
Change of Graduate Program - School of Education and Human Sciences School of Education and Human Sciences Students who have been admitted to a degree-seeking program and want to switch to another degree-seeking program must complete this form and obtain the required signatures.
Change of Graduate Study Committee Changes to Graduate Study Committees can be made by submitting this form to the Graduate School for approval.
Committee Form This form is used to nominate the chairperson and members of a student's Graduate Study Committee. It is the student's responsibility to make sure all of their members are on the Graduate Faculty List. If there is a change in committee assignment at any time during your course of study, you will need to submit the Change of Committee form so that your records can be updated accordingly.
Degree Completion Plan with Validation Of Expired Coursework Graduate students are generally expected to complete all degree requirements within 5 years of matriculation for a masters program and within 7 years of matriculation for a doctoral program. One extension of these time limits can be requested when mitigating circumstances preclude completion of requirements within the time limit. If any expired courses are required for the degree (based on the curriculum requirements for the admission term catalog year), the department must also validate the applicable coursework.
Grade Replacement Request Students who repeat a course taken at UAB and wish to request a grade replacement in which the grade for the first course be excluded from their GPA calculation must submit this form. This form is not applicable for students in the School of Nursing other than those enrolled in the PhD program.
Graduate Faculty Appointment Form Graduate program directors use these forms in nominations for Graduate Faculty status.
Graduate GPA Adjustment Request Occasionally, graduate students may have a cumulative Graduate GPA below 3.0 as a consequence of previous performance in coursework that is no longer valid, and/or taken as part of a program unrelated to that in which they are currently enrolled. When this occurs, Graduate GPA Adjustment may be appropriate. For more information, visit
Graduate Participation in Different Commencement Ceremony Students will need permission to participate in a Commencement ceremony that does not correspond with their graduation term. Exceptions to this practice should only be made for students with extenuating circumstances. In order to qualify for an exception, the student must have no more than one (1) remaining degree requirement as evidenced by GPS (the degree audit), and the student must have an Application for Degree on file in the Office of the Registrar.
Graduate Student Request for Additional Assignment Form used to request additional work assignment. The additional assignment is not to exceed 10 hours per week for Graduate Student Trainees or 20 hours per week for Graduate Assistants and Graduate Student Assistants.
Leave of Absence Students who wish to request a leave of academic absence must complete this form and obtain the required program director signature.
Permission to Audit Graduate Level Coursework Use this form to audit a graduate course.
ProQuest Submission Site All master’s and doctoral Plan I students must submit a PDF of the final, committee-approved thesis/dissertation to the UAB/ProQuest ETD Administrator Site for final review by the Graduate School. Check each page your PDF carefully before submitting to this site. If no corrections in formatting are required by ProQuest or the Graduate School, this will be the final published version of your dissertation.
Replacement or Additional Graduate Diploma This form, along with a standard $30 processing fee, is required for any student who has earned (or will soon earn) a graduate degreeГ‘excluding Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) and Doctor of Nurse Practitioner (DNP)Г‘and would like a replacement or additional diploma showing the official conferral date.
Request to Defer Admission Students wishing to defer their admission should submit the Request to Defer Admission by the following deadlines: December 1 (if deferring to the spring semester), May 1 (if deferring to the summer semester), and August 1 (if deferring to the fall semester). The program directorГ•s signature must be included before the Graduate School can make any changes.
Survey of Earned Doctorates All students completing a doctoral degree are required to submit the Survey of Earned Doctorates. The Survey, which is sponsored by the National Science Foundation, gathers data from all research doctorate graduates on their educational history, sources of support, and post-graduation plans. The completed survey responses become part of the Doctorate Records File, a virtually complete data bank on doctorate recipients from 1920 to the present and the major source of doctoral data at the national level. The profiles of doctorate recipients that emerge from these data serve policymakers at the federal, state, local, and university levels.
Thesis/Dissertation Approval Form Request No later than 2 weeks before your thesis or dissertation defense, submit this form requesting your approval forms. Approval forms cannot be completed before the Graduate School has received your application for degree for the semester in which you plan to graduate. The committee members on your approval forms must exactly match those on your official records. If any member of your committee has changed, that change must be submitted on an official Change of Graduate Study Committee Form (available on this web site) before you request your approval forms.
Transfer of Graduate Credit Students who wish to transfer graduate credit from a regionally-accredited institution toward a graduate degree at UAB must complete this form and submit the required supporting documentation. This form is not applicable for students in the School of Nursing other than those enrolled in the PhD program.
Undergraduate Student Enrollment in Graduate Level Coursework Undergraduate students must use this form before they can register for 500-, 600-, or 700-level courses
University of Alabama System Cooperative Exchange Form This form should be used in cases where UAB students wish to enroll in courses at UA or UAH while remaining enrolled at UAB. Students will pay tuition and fees to UAB through this cooperative exchange. Completed forms should be submitted to the Registrars Office (

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