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Student Resources 




  • How to know when to register for classes
    See the UAB Academic Calendar for general UAB registration open and close dates.

    To determine your specific time for registration:
    • Enter Blazernet
    • Select Registration in the top banner
    • Select "Add, Drop or Withdraw Classes"
    • Your "Time Tickets" will indicate when your registration opens and closes for each semester.

    GBS Registration Deadlines:
    • Fall- July 1
    • Spring- December 1
    • Summer- May 1
    Please note that GBS Registration deadlines are different than UAB registration deadlines.

    If you have any further questions, please contact the GBS Curriculum Manager.
  • How to know what to register for
    Students may access the Graduation Planning System (GPS), details below, and theme training plans to indicate your required courses each semester. Each theme's requirements are different!

    If you have any further questions, please contact the GBS Curriculum Manager.
  • How to access the Graduation Planning System (GPS)
    The Graduation Planning System (GPS) is UAB's new degree auditing system. The audit will be utilized to approve student degrees upon graduation and track academic requirements throughout the program.

    You can access the Graduation Planning System (GPS) by entering Blazernet and selecting the GPS icon along the right listing of icons. If it is not available there, you can access by selecting “Student” in the top banner then selecting GPS.

    If you have any further questions or change requests to your GPS audit, please contact the GBS Curriculum Manager.
  • How to register for classes
    You may search the class schedule here by selecting GBS as the department.

    To Register:
    • Enter Blazernet
    • Select Registration in the top banner (This section will indicate when your registration will open.)
    • Select "Add, Drop or Withdraw Classes"
    • Select the term
    • Insert the CRN of the course(s) you wish to register for.
    • Select Submit Changes

    GBS Registration Deadlines:
    • Fall- July 1
    • Spring- December 1
    • Summer- May 1

    Please be reminded that you must register for a total of 9 hours each semester.

    If you have any further questions, please contact the GBS Curriculum Manager.
  • How to get advanced credit for a course outside of GBS, a module course, or off-campus course
    All GBS students are expected to complete three advanced courses during their PhD training.

    If you are interested in receiving credit for a course that is offered off-campus, listed as two-hours, or listed outside of GBS, you will need to complete the Advanced Course Verification Form. This form must be completed before the course is taken.

    The theme director, course director, and mentor will have two weeks from the date of submission to indicate disapproval to the GBS Curriculum Manager.

    If you have any further questions, please contact the GBS Curriculum Manager.
  • How to sign-up for GBS tutoring services
    Tutoring is available for first-year GBS students in the core courses (GBS 707, 708, and 709). Student tutors will be chosen from GBS peers.

    If you would like to request tutoring, please contact the GBS Curriculum Manager.
  • How to replace a failing grade
    Grade Replacement Request Form

    The Graduate School Grade Replacement Policy allows a graduate student who repeats a course taken at UAB to request a grade replacement in which the grade for the first course will be excluded from their GPA calculation.

    If you have any further questions, please contact the GBS Curriculum Manager.

Finance & Funding


  • How to apply for parking
    To sign-up for parking, students must have a UAB One Card ID before a parking permit can be purchased. Fees for parking are added to student accounts and must be paid by the deadline to avoid late fees. Students can manage their account via the Parking Portal.
  • How to sign up for health insurance
    Health Insurance for students enrolled in GBS programs is mandatory. Single-coverage student health insurance through United HealthCare (UHC) is available at no cost to students. Family coverage is also available at a low cost to the student. Students can sign up for health insurance through their Student Portal located in BlazerNet.

    Students who already have their own personal insurance have the option to waive United HealthCare student coverage. To opt out of United HealthCare, a waiver stating that he/she has major medical insurance that is comparable or superior to the student plan must be signed.

    Additional information can be found here.
  • How to develop an Individual Development Plan (IDP)

    The NIH has encouraged institutions to develop Individual Development Plans (IDPs) for all graduate students and postdoctoral researchers supported by NIH awards. Use of IDPs is to be reported in all progress reports submitted after October 1, 2014, using the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR).

    Individual development plans are important tools in career planning. It is required that all GBS students participate in IDP instruction, with each newly matriculating student receiving initial IDP instruction by October 1 of their year of entry. The Graduate School offers IDP instructional sessions that include participant initiation of IDP using the Science Careers website tool myIDP. Individual themes may also establish their own IDP instruction and related requirements. MSTP students will participate in MSTP-organized IDP training rather than GBS theme-related IDP sessions.

    Primary responsibility to assure that GBS students receive IDP instruction resides with the GBS curriculum manager. A record of IDP must be provided to the Graduate School by October 1st, to be forwarded to and monitored by the UAB Compliance Office. A session sign-in list or screen shots of the myIDP personal information summary page can provide evidence of participation.

    The initial IDP information session is scheduled for incoming students during the entering fall semester. The GBS office will arrange these sessions with first-year students.

    For more information, please visit UAB IDP.

  • How to certify my time with effort reporting
    Students are responsible for certifying their efforts every time an HR or financial change is made to their account. Students will receive an email when recertification is needed. If this is not completed correctly, all financial records can be locked which will hinder payment requests.

    Students will not need to certify their efforts while on a fellowship.

    For more information, please reference Effort Report Training. To sign up for training, contact the GBS Finance & HR Manager.
  • How to apply for graduation
    The Graduate School has initiated a new application for degree process, entirely online. You may access the application online through Blazernet by selecting "Links/Forms" and selecting "Apply for Graduate Degree/Certificate".

    Students are responsible for verifying that all academic requirements have been met, indicated by the GPS audit. The application for degree will not be approved until all requirements are met.

    If you have any further questions, please contact the GBS Program Administrator.

  • How to become involved with student orgs
  • How can I receive training on how to address stress, anxiety, and mental health concerns
    Feedback from undergrads, grad students, postdocs and faculty at UAB indicates that stress, anxiety and mental health concerns are increasing across campus. To address these concerns, in part, UAB has subscribed to Kognito's At Risk training, an online interactive simulation platform that includes interactive role-play conversations to support student mental health and wellness. This training is designed for faculty, staff and students with learning objectives that include:
    • increase knowledge and awareness of mental health and suicide
    • identify the warning signs of psychological distress
    • build skills to lead conversations with students in distress
    Each training module requires between 30 – 45 min to complete; modules are available on-demand 24/7 with unlimited free access for the UAB community.

    Access Instructions

    1. Using a compatible browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, navigate to the Kognito site.
    2. Create a new account by selecting “Click Here” above the email and password fields.
    3. Follow the prompts and enter the appropriate enrollment key;
    4. Faculty/Staff: uabfas
      Students: uabus
    5. Follow the on-screen instructions to access the simulations page.
    6. Select the desired simulation tile and click “Launch” to begin the simulation.
  • How to receive help for mental health concerns
    Student Counseling Services offers students of all backgrounds, races, religious beliefs, sexual orientations, gender identities, abilities, ethnicities, and cultures a safe place to discuss and resolve issues that interfere with personal and academic goals. We recognize and honor the complex intersectionality of all aspects of a person’s identity and presenting concerns.

    UAB cares deeply about the overall health and wellbeing of our entire campus community. In an effort to reach those in need, UAB has established the UAB CARES Suicide Prevention Initiative as a result from our leadership’s charge to be an effective resource for all. UAB President Ray Watts, Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost Pam Benoit, and Vice President of Student Affairs John Jones have developed a comprehensive and coordinated suicide prevention strategy for the UAB enterprise. No matter who you are in the UAB community, remember that you matter, and you are important. UAB is here and there is help available today.