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A Winter Storm Warning has been issued for Jefferson County: UAB will alter operations Friday, Jan 10. Learn moreOpens an external link.
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The purpose of the UAB Center for Teaching and Learning is to provide UAB faculty with professional and teaching support programs and to encourage teaching effectiveness and innovation. Visit "About the CTL" to learn more. Visit uab.edu/TellTheCTL to submit an evaluation for a CTL workshop you have recently attended.


  • Upcoming CTL-hosted Faculty Events
    Unless clearly designated as a virtual event, all CTL workshops are presented in-person. CTL points are not awarded for viewing streams (if available) of in-person events. Please verify the location of each event, as they may occur in various locations on campus.

  • Please note, CTL Points are not awarded for watching any pre-recorded videos.
    Participants only earn points towards CTL certificates by attending and participating in live, face-to-face CTL workshops.

    Pre-recorded CTL Presentations

    Topics include presentations from the Teaching Effectiveness, Teaching Foundations, Global Awareness Workshop Series, and more..
    Note: You will be prompted to authenticate with your BlazerID to view these videos.

    Do you just have a few minutes to spare?
    View the CTL's 2-Minute Teaching Tips Archive

     Pre-recorded eLearning Presentations

    Topics include presentations from UAB eLearning, such as Canvas Overview, Canvas Quizzes, Zoom for Teaching, and more.
    Note: You will be prompted to authenticate with your BlazerID to view these videos.

    UAB eLearning also provides live workshops and certificates for UAB faculty.
    Click here to view eLearning workshops now.





  • Upcoming Non-CTL Events for Faculty and Teaching Staff*
    *Please note: CTL Certifcation points are not awarded for attending these non-CTL events below, but are listed here to provde access to additional campus resources for UAB faculty.

View the full calendar for more upcoming CTL events for faculty

Administrative link

Reserve CTL Space

The UAB Center for Teaching and Learning promotes educational and professional development that leads to innovation in the classroom and meaningful student learning. Our offerings and space is available to any UAB faculty, student facing staff, or individuals teaching a course currently that is interested in professional and educational development. If you are in need of space for a faculty meeting, training, and or retreat we would love to host you. Contact us today at uabctl@uab.edu to check availability. Please include the dates of interest, time, purpose of reservation, and those who will be in attendance.