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Honors Program

""Are you a highly motivated student? Are you interested in research? Is graduate school or a professional career your goal? Then you should consider joining the Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering (CCEE) honors program.


Departmental honors students work closely with graduate students and faculty researchers at a level that is uncommon for undergraduates. Students working as interns in industry will benefit from real practical experience that will be an advantage during the job hunt. The honors experience will help you develop confidence and independence, plus give you important experience in communication and research skills.

Students who successfully complete the program requirements will graduate “With Honors in Civil Engineering” noted on their transcript and on the commencement program, and will receive a special certificate at the spring UAB Honors Convocation.


Entering freshmen must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • a minimum high school GPA of 3.25/4.00 on academic subjects,
  • a minimum ACT score of 24 (or SAT equivalent), and
  • an interview with the undergraduate honors admission committee or department chair.

Students who are currently enrolled, or who have some college experience, must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • completed at least 18 hours of UAB courses, with an earned 3.25 GPA in those courses,
  • an earned 3.00 GPA overall, and
  • an interview with the undergraduate honors admission committee or department chair.

Although not required, students can be simultaneously enrolled in the university honors program.


Honors students must:

  • maintain minimum GPA standards.
  • be assigned a faculty mentor in CCEE Department to direct their research.
  • take a minimum of 6 credit hours in Honors Research (CE 440). This will lead to a formal written technical report and an oral or poster presentation of their work at a regional technical conference, if possible, or a formal presentation at a departmental seminar. An internship with industry can count towards the Honors Research hours if well designed and approved by the faculty mentor.
  • take a minimum of 3 credit hours as follows: EGR 301: Honors Research I (1 hour), CE 441: CE Honors Seminar (1 hour), and CE 441: Honors Seminar (1 hour) working with the honors program director on final report and presentation.

Three credit hours of the required 9 credit hours of honors will count as on elective toward the undergrad requirements. These electives are selected in consultation with their departmental research mentor.


For more information and/or admission to the CCEE Honors Program, please contact Dr. Fouad H. Fouad, Department Chair, through email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (205) 934-8430.