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A Winter Storm Warning has been issued for Jefferson County: UAB will alter operations Friday, Jan 10. Learn moreOpens an external link.

Minors and Volunteers in UAB Research Laboratories Campus-only

A variety of services are provided by UAB Employee Health. Those offered to you are dependent upon the potential risks posed by the work you conduct at UAB. All mandatory items must be completed in order to maintain compliance.

Once your Enrollment Form is received by UAB Employee Health, we will review the work description and medical history to determine if services should be offered to you for your protection. If UAB Employee Health determines that an immunization or screening is warranted, you will be contacted and asked to schedule an appointment.

  • Are you going to have a minor present in your lab?

    For all minors not enrolled as a student at UAB and under the age of 18 at the time of starting, the following documents must be completed and submitted to UAB Employee Health (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) prior to the minor starting at UAB:


    • A “Minor” is defined for purposes of these policy guidelines as any individual less than 18 years of age.
    • For employment of a minor, Employment of Minors describes the UAB policies that cover minors that want to be employees at UAB; Employing Minors Request for Clearance Form and Instructions has detailed instructions that must be followed to allow a minor to become a UAB employee.
    • If the minor wants to volunteer or visit in your laboratory, UAB’s policy can be found at Minors in Laboratories and Animal Facilities.
    • Minors less than 10 years of age and not enrolled in grade four or higher are not allowed in UAB laboratories or animal activity areas where there are physical hazards, where hazardous chemical, biological, or radiological agents are used or stored, or where laboratory animals are present.
    • Minors who accompany UAB employees to the UAB workplace for reasons other than participation in UAB research-type activities are not permitted in UAB research laboratories or animal facilities. Admittance to other UAB areas is subject to approval by the appropriate dean, director, or department.
    • There is an additional policy regarding protection of children on UAB premises and in UAB sponsored activities that applies to minors that are working/observing in UAB laboratories. All individuals that will have contact with minors or supervise minors in UAB laboratories should review the Youth Protection Policies and Procedures. Any UAB employee, trainee, student, volunteer, or other representative that fails to follow this policy may have disciplinary action taken against them as described in the policy. All activities and programs, including virtual programs with youth participants that fall under UAB’s Protection of Children Policy must register their program with the Office of the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration at least eight weeks prior to the start date of the activity or program.
  • Are you going to have adult visitors/volunteers present in your lab?

    For all adults, that will be in the lab and NOT being paid, the following documents must be completed and submitted to UAB Employee Health (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) prior to starting at UAB:

    Note: This does NOT include UAB students that will be in the laboratory in conjunction with a class and coursework.