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IDP Program Inquiries

(205) 975-1105

Stephen Mitchell, D.M.D., M.S.
Director / Professor
SDB 606

Rama Kiran Chavali, B.D.S., M.S.
Codirector / Associate Professor
SDB 604

Group shot of IDP stduents in a classroom.

The International Dental Program (IDP) offers non-US trained dentists the opportunity to earn a D.M.D. degree from the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Dentistry. Following an intensive 6-month preparatory term, qualified students merge with traditional students to complete the final two years of the D.M.D. curriculum.

In the first term, students are introduced to the UAB patient care philosophy and dental techniques. Students who participate in this program will represent a great diversity of training, background, and experience levels. For this reason, some standardization is necessary. Students will spend time in preclinical training, classroom sessions, and small group seminars.

Qualified students are then integrated with traditional D3 students to complete the final two years of the D.M.D. curriculum which is spent primarily in clinical activities.

The major focus of the D3 year is on patient care. Students work in treatment teams providing comprehensive dental care. Rotations in community clinics, emergency care, endodontics, geriatrics, hospital dentistry, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, periodontology, prosthodontics, & treatment planning ensure exposure to all aspects of dental care including advanced procedures and special patient populations. The evidence-based didactic curriculum is designed to offer companion courses to the clinical experiences.

The major focus of the final, D4, year is to prepare the student for the independent practice of dentistry. Comprehensive patient care and supplemental rotations continue. Additional optional experiences in community clinics with a focus on at-risk populations are offered. Didactic courses concentrate on advanced techniques and are predominantly given in seminar format.

Each candidate who successfully completes the program will receive the D.M.D. degree. This will qualify the student for licensure application in most regions of the United States.

Candidates may be invited to travel to UAB for an interview. This interview includes a preclinical exercise to evaluate hand skills in addition to a dental case to evaluate critical thinking skills. All items necessary for the exercise are provided for the candidate. The fee for this evaluation is $350. Additional materials will need to be provided directly to UAB if selected for an interview.

Learn more about our IDP program

2023 Bench Test Invitations Sent Out with Incredible Response

Students in scrups and masks sitting at long tables taking the bench test. The UAB International Dentist Program will host the annual Bench Test on June 8 and 9 for candidates applying to enter the program in 2024. Invitations were extended several weeks earlier than prior years and necessitated an earlier selection of candidates for the exam. Notice was posted on ADEA CAAPID, the application portal for international dental programs, that candidates interested in UAB’s program should have their application submitted by May 1 this year.

On May 8, invitations were sent to 80 International Dentist Program candidates from 30 different countries. The response has been overwhelming and as of May 15, the bench test invitations have been accepted and the exam is full. While the application cycle officially remains open until May 31, the program wants to be transparent with applicants that there are very few opportunities left for this cycle.

The program also wants to celebrate the incredibly talented pools of dentists who applied this year. “We are humbled that so many amazing dentist from across the world would be interested in our program,” says Dr. Stephen Mitchell, Director of International Dentist Program, “I think it speaks to the rich heritage of excellence in dental education and experiences that UAB School of Dentistry has provided for the past 75 years. Go Blazers!”


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Contact Us

IDP Program Inquiries

(205) 975-1105

Stephen Mitchell, D.M.D., M.S.
Director / Professor
SDB 606

Rama Kiran Chavali, B.D.S., M.S.
Codirector / Associate Professor
SDB 604