Explore UAB

Why practice in a rural community? Because there are plenty of pros.

Small town life has many unique advantages. The local dentist is viewed as a pillar of the community, benefitting from stronger connections. They face less practice saturation and less competition, while incurring relatively low overhead costs. And they can develop a broad range of clinical skills by engaging in a wide variety of procedures. Small town dentists make a huge difference by being a big fish in a small pond.

If you are considering rural practice, here is one more big reason: $200K.

The Board of Dental Scholarships considers candidates for an upfront award of $200K in return for five years of service in an Alabama small town/rural community in need of a dental professional (qualifying counties below). In addition to the monetary award, Board of Dental Scholarships personnel are available to provide practice and mentorship support as needed. The award money is in addition to any regular earnings – it does not replace or constitute an awardee’s practice income. D1-D4 dental students are eligible to apply. In-state residency for UAB is not required. Service requirement is 5 years.

Qualifying Counties (subject to change depending upon workforce metrics): Bibb, Blount, Bullock, Butler, Chambers, Cherokee, Chilton, Clay, Cleburne, Conecuh, Coosa, Crenshaw, Elmore, Fayette, Franklin, Geneva, Greene, Hale, Henry, Lawrence, Lowndes, Macon, Marion, Monroe, Perry, Pickens, Randolph, Russell, Sumter, Washington, Wilcox

Interested in applying to the Board of Dental Scholarships?

A call for applications is announced twice a year, with applications due in both July and January. Selected candidates will interview with the Board of Dental Scholarships -- the BDS conducts interviews twice a year (February and August). Applications should be submitted via the link below. Additional materials should be submitted to Wendy Scripps at wscripps@uab.edu.

Apply Here Opens an external link.

Learn more about the Alabama Board of Dental Scholarships administrative rules.

Alabama Board of Dental Scholarships Administrative Rules Opens an external link.

Also view the Alabama Board of Dental Scholarships law  and inventory.