Professional School Disbursement Dates 2024/2025

ClassDisb. 1Disb. 2Disb. 3
M1 7/22/2024 1/06/2025  
M2 7/01/2024 1/06/2025  
M3 7/01/2024 1/06/2025  
M4 7/01/2024 1/06/2025  
D1 7/12/2024 1/13/2025  
D2 7/12/2024 1/13/2025  
D3 7/12/2024 1/13/2025  
D4 7/12/2024 1/13/2025  
O1 8/12/2024 1/02/2025 5/24/2025
O2 8/12/2024 1/02/2025 5/12/2025
O3 8/12/2024 1/02/2025 5/12/2025
O4 8/12/2024 1/02/2025  
PDOC 7/12/2024 1/12/2025  

* NOTE: The above figures and disbursement dates are subject to change by the Board of Trustees at any time. Disbursement dates are the day aid will process, not the dates students receive funds. Direct deposits will occur several days later.

Students will be awarded the maximum eligible amount of Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans. Students can accept the full amount or any portion of the loans or decline the loans on BlazerNET.

Please remember that any form of financial assistance added to your account after the initial award may require a reduction in one or more student loans in order to limit the total from all sources to the student’s cost of attendance.

Health insurance fees are $3,244 per year and are included in living expenses above.

Additional Questions

Questions about tuition/fees/health insurance charges should be addressed to the Student Acount Services or One Stop Student Services.

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Cost & Aid