Student Groups
Psi Chi
Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, seeks to advance the science of psychology and to encourage, stimulate, and maintain excellence in scholarship. The UAB chapter serves as a forum for social interactions with other psychology students and with faculty, as well as for discussions of student research, preparation for graduate school, and career development.
Psi Chi is an organization of students. The UAB chapter, founded in 1993, is led by undergraduate officers who are elected yearly by the Psi Chi membership. Membership is open to psychology majors and minors who meet specific course and GPA requirements. Psi Chi membership is a way to recognize students with excellent academic records.
Dr. Maria Hopkins serves as the faculty advisor to Psi Chi at UAB, although other faculty may be involved as well.
What Do We Do?
Psi Chi supports the following activities:
- hosting a speaker's forum for invited guests who provide additional perspective on various fields in psychology
- providing a space for informal student-faculty social, intellectual, and professional exchange
- disseminating information concerning graduate and professional school opportunities, careers in psychology, clerkships, research positions, seminars, scientific meetings, etc
- giving students an opportunity to have a voice in departmental affairs
- hosting social activities within the department
Letters are sent to all UAB students eligible to join Psi Chi at the end of each spring and fall semester. Current eligibility criteria include 45 semester hours at the undergraduate level, nine of which are in psychology. Students must also have a 3.0 GPA both overall and in psychology courses. For information, please contact the psychology academic advisor.
- Square Market Place — membership, regalia, etc.
- National Chapter Site
Undergraduate Neuroscience Society
The Undergraduate Neuroscience Society is a student organization dedicated to serving and representing the members of UAB’s Undergraduate Neuroscience Program, as well as promoting interest in the neurosciences within the larger UAB community.
We work to accomplish these goals through a number of activities and events:
- an invited lecture by a distinguished neuroscientist each semester;
- unique service opportunities related to medical care, mental health, and science teaching;
- workshops taught by faculty and graduate students on subjects of interest to neuroscience students, such as succeeding in undergraduate research or applying to graduate and medical schools.
Additionally, each year we help to organize the UAB Neuroscience Day and the Alabama Brain Bee. The Alabama Brain Bee is a free event for high school students to test their neuroscience knowledge in competition with one another, and is held annually in conjunction with the UAB Neuroscience Day, an effort to promote neuroscience education and awareness.
Membership in the UNS is open to any current members of the Undergraduate Neuroscience Program, though all members of the UAB community are invited to attend lectures and workshops.
To keep up with UNS events, please request to join:
For questions, please contact us by e-mail at . -
Psychology Club
The UAB Psychology Club is open to all students who have an interest in psychology — not just for psychology majors and minors. Any UAB student can join us regardless of your academic standing and get a head start on exploring the field of psychology at the very start of your academic career.
The Psychology Club is run by the UAB local chapter of Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, along with the club's officers. Psychology club members are invited to attend all Psi Chi events such as the monthly speaker's forum and socials.
For more information on the psychology club and how you can become a member,
email the Director of Undergraduate Studies Dr. Maria Hopkins.