Explore UAB

Makayla Warnecke

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  • B.A. Psychology, University of Kentucky, 2021

Research Interests

My research is focused on the long-term effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and the various aspects that can affect the development. I am using the ECLS: K-2011 dataset (Early Childhood Longitudinal Study) for my thesis work. I am exploring the different associations between parental involvement and childhood academic outcomes across 5 years.

Throughout my research and time in graduate school, my goal is to uncover novel findings and provide further knowledge related to the longitudinal effects of ACES. In addition- noticing what buffers these adverse experiences, such as resilience, social support, academics, etc. My intention in exploring this area is to help children who are unable to help themselves.

Research Mentor

Dr. Chris Henrich
