Jamie R. Grimes
Chemistry Advisor
Chemistry Building 212
(205) 934-7529
No matter how good a student you are, getting the right advice is essential to your academic success. Undergraduates in the Department of Chemistry can ask for help from a dedicated academic advisor with offices in the Chemistry Building.
Incoming and Transfer Students
If you are a new student, meet with your advisor before signing up for classes. The hardest part of your first year should be your classes, not deciding what they should be. Take the easy way out: Make an appointment to talk or meet with your academic advisor before you attend New Student Orientation.
The advisor is available via email and often in person for consultation before admission to UAB. Early contact by high school students as well as transfer students is recommended to help them plan as far in advance as possible for an ideal transition to our program, including the choices of preparatory courses.
Current Students
You can rely on the Chemistry academic advisor for information, assistance, and encouragement throughout your time at UAB. In general, advisors will:
- help you identify your goals and develop educational plans
- help you understand degree requirements, course selection, and schedule planning
- refer you to resources across campus that can boost your academic performance
- help you understand academic policies and procedures
- provide information about potential areas of study
Meeting with the advisor is required of all undergraduate chemistry majors each fall and spring.