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Events Calendar





HomeFirst is a partnership between the University of Alabama at Birmingham and Fannie Mae. The program is a Financial Wellness Initiative focused on providing first-time home-buying opportunities for residents in Wilcox county. The program is dedicated towards serving the individuals and families of these counties by helping them pave their way to be first-time homeowners. The course will focus on banking, homebuyer readiness, debt reduction, money management, and savings to ensure the participant is on the right path.

HomeFirst is offered at no cost.

Financial Education

  • Savings
  • Money Management
  • Access to Banking
  • Credit Building
  • Debt Reduction
  • Homebuyer Readiness

One-On-One Support

  • Engage with the best and brightest student financial coaches
  • Develop a broad-based action plan to reach your financial goals

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HomeFirst Service Learning Opportunity

Through experiential learning, UAB students are trained as HomeFirst Coaches and are introduced to active strategies to foster a community of financial and housing stability. Coaches have the opportunity to help HomeFirst participants by aiding them in developing a pertinent savings plan, raising their credit scores, and lowering their debt. This is a great learning experience for students to apply their understanding to real-world examples.

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Money Smart Week

Money Smart Week is a national public education program coordinated by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and delivered by a network of supporters that empowers people with the knowledge and skills to make better-informed personal financial decisions around the key financial pillars of saving, spending, borrowing and planning.  

Access each event recording for 2023 and related resources directly using the links below:

Explore the missed Money Smart Week topics below for a limited time…

Money Smart in the news

Additional articles and resources


Retirement Planning Today

The course focuses on ways to save for retirement as well as the advantages and disadvantages. The target group for course is retirement planners aged 50 to 70. Topics and resources are presented that include how to save money on taxes, manage investment risks and protect your assets from potential long - term health care expense. Retirement Planning Today will prepare participants to assess their financial status and develop a personal plan to achieve retirement goals.

Courses held in the fall and spring semesters. Each course consists of two sessions.  

Spring 2025

Each session meets twice.

  • Session I: January 28, 2025 & February 4, 2025 (Tuesdays), 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
  • Session II: January 30, 2025 & February 6, 2025 (Thursdays), 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.

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We provide income tax preparation free of charge to those who qualify. Returns are prepared at the Regions Insitite for Financial Education located on the first floor of the UAB Collat School of Business building. 

If you have tax-related questions, would like free income tax assistance, or need help filing an amendment, contact our office today to set up an appointment.

Email rife@uab.edu or call (205) 996-0884.

Learn more about the program and see if you qualify.
