After completing his master’s degree in just three semesters, Kevin Wang graduated Saturday, Aug. 12, as the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s first INTO UAB graduate.

Wang, of Taiwan, joined the UAB School of Health Professions’ biotechnology program as an INTO UAB student in fall 2016 after completing his bachelor’s degree from Georgia Tech.
“Right off as an INTO UAB student, Kevin decided he would take every credit hour,” said Professor Tino Unlap, Ph.D., biotechnology program director. “That is why he finished in three semesters.”
Wang was an excellent student, coming to every class and arriving early and prepared, Unlap says. Unlap asked him where he wanted to be when he finished, and Wang wanted to be in dental school. They decided to meet every semester. Students in the program are trained in lectures for the first phase, then labs and, finally, internships. Wang’s interest is to work as a dentist in the future, and he has worked hard to make this goal a reality.
“I chose UAB because this biotechnology program would really build my knowledge and get me more prepared for dental school or other science-related works,” he said. “My academic goal is to get higher grades in order to make me more competitive among other dental school applicants, and the INTO UAB programs and Professor Unlap all helped me a lot, pushing me to the next level. I studied hard and also practiced hard in lab so I’m more prepared for what I’m doing now.”
Wang is already working at the University of Southern California as a chemistry lab assistant for a year. During this year, he is also studying for the dental admission test to apply for entry to dental school.
“I feel like INTO UAB is a very good program because they helped me adapt to the community when I first came here by having lots of events,” he said. “Academically, they have tutors, which is very helpful in answering any questions I have regarding English or classwork. Overall, I’m thankful to all the people I have met in this big UAB community.”
Learn more about Kevin, and the INTO UAB Biotechnology Pathway program here.