Office of Sponsored Programs
See also the Proposal Due Date Calculator.
Consistent with peer institutions, UAB is updating our practice for enforcing an internal deadline in order to ensure proposals meet the sponsor’s requirements and deadlines. UAB requires all grant proposals be submitted for review to the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) prior to submission to the external sponsor. The complete proposal along with the required supporting documents (i.e., Extramural Checklist, RPL, Funding Opportunity Announcement) must be received in OSP no later than 8:00 AM five (5) full business days prior to the sponsor’s deadline. Any incomplete or late submission to OSP will not be accepted for review by OSP or submission to the sponsor without an approved exception. The sponsor’s deadline is the date and time for the cutoff as shown in the funding announcement.
UAB is subject to numerous requirements, including but not limited to those set forth in specific sponsor solicitations and guidelines, federal regulations including 2 CFR 200 Uniform Guidance, Alabama statues, as well as UAB institutional policies. Sufficient time is necessary for OSP personnel to verify a proposal’s compliance with those requirements and to ensure an overall level of quality prior to the application’s deadline. Therefore, OSP is mandated to conduct a thorough review of all extramural grant proposals prior to submission to sponsors.
- Complete Final and Error-Free Proposals (Research Plan Section can be a Current Working Draft) in a Complete Submission are due to OSP no later than 8:00 AM five (5) full business days prior to the sponsor’s deadline. For NIH grant applications, the following is required:
- All NIH grant applications must pass all validations in NIH ASSIST before submitting to OSP.
- Your submission of the Complete Final and Error-Free Proposal to OSP must include a screenshot/image (example below) of the confirmation showing that the NIH grant application has passed all validations in NIH ASSIST.
- If the Complete Final, Error Free Proposal is received by OSP without the NIH ASSIST “All Validations Passed” documentation, the submission will be considered incomplete, and will be sent back to the submitting department. If resubmission of the application falls outside of the required time frame mentioned above, the application will be treated as late, and will not be eligible for review.
Example: A UAB PI submits a Complete Final, Error Free Proposal submission at 9pm six (6) business days before the NIH deadline. The submission is returned as “incomplete” due to the omission of the required “All Validations Passed” documentation. The PI validates the proposal in ASSIST, and includes the required validation documentation in a subsequent submission to OSP at 11am five (5) business days before the NIH deadline. This submission will be considered “late” and will not be eligible for OSP review or submission to NIH.
- “Ready-to-Submit" Proposals are due to OSP no later than 12:00 Noon the business day before the sponsor’s deadline. An email confirmation must be sent to the OSP Officer stating that the final proposal is “Ready For Submission”.
- All final NIH grant applications should include a screenshot (example below) of the confirmation via the "Ready-to-Submit" email to the OSP Officer with notification that grant is ready that the application has passed validation in NIH ASSIST.
- All final NIH grant applications should include a screenshot (example below) of the confirmation via the "Ready-to-Submit" email to the OSP Officer with notification that grant is ready that the application has passed validation in NIH ASSIST.
- All PIs submitting to NIH are required to review the application image in the NIH ASSIST Preview Application screen. Any required changes are to be made prior to submitting to OSP. NIH Changed/Corrected proposals will be limited to technical and system-related issues only. Due to volume, OSP may not be able to resubmit a grant application due to PI desired changes that should have been caught by the PI/dept during the preview process.
- In rare instances, there is an exception process. The Principal Investigator must submit a letter request, signed by the PI, Department Chair and Dean, to the Vice President for Research (VPR) detailing the mitigating circumstances of the lateness to . No delegate or per signatures are accepted. If approved by the VPR, the approval should be included in the OSP submission. Exceptions after 12:00 Noon the day before the sponsor’s deadline will not be considered.
Proposal Due Date & Time Calculator
This tool calculates the due date and time to OSP for both the complete final and "ready to submit" proposal based on a given sponsor deadline date and time. The tool also provides the date when the Officer Review Summary will be returned to the PI. The output automatically updates when any of the input fields are changed. Note that all times used and displayed here are US Central Time.
Version: 2025.02.10.001 (Compatibility) Browser Compatibility:
This tool does not support Internet Explorer (IE) 8 or earlier. If you are using IE 9+ or Safari, you may have to manually type your date into the date field above using the standard format "YYYY-MM-DD". Lastly, you may have to "Allow blocked content" for IE to run the JavaScript in this tool.Sponsor Deadline:
Holidays/Weekends/NIH Office Closures:
Please see the NIH Policy regarding due dates on Holidays/Weekends/NIH Office Closures. If the NIH due date falls on one of these days, be sure to modify the Sponsor Deadline in this calculator accordingly.Complete Final Proposal
due by or before:
Mon Mar 10 2025
08:00 AMOfficer Review Summary
to PI by or before:
Tue Mar 11 2025
05:00 PM"Ready to Submit" Proposal
due by or before:
Thu Mar 13 2025
12:00 PM
More Details
Submission Steps
Omission of these steps will result in the proposal being returned to the department as Incomplete and may jeopardize the submission of the proposal to the sponsor. Remember: Each UAB school/college may have additional review and approval deadline requirements in addition to the OSP 8:00 AM five (5) business day institutional plan. Please contact your department research administrator for the specific requirements for your area.
To submit a proposal to OSP, the PI/submitting department must:
- Submit the full proposal along with the complete and properly signed UAB Extramural Checklist and RPL to . For a list of required documents, use the OSP Required Documents tool. - If the proposal is to a federal sponsor with a portal, the checklist must include the portal identification number (ASSIST, Workspace, etc.), and FOA number. Submissions that include a partially completed or not appropriately signed Extramural Checklist will be returned to the department as Incomplete.
- Once a submission has been successfully received by OSP, the department personnel named on the Checklist will receive an email notification indicating if the proposal has been accepted or sent back to the department as Incomplete.
- Submit the final application (upload final draft of science/research plan) via the agency portal (ASSIST, Workspace, etc.) and send an email to the reviewing OSP Officer. For non-profit/foundation proposals, the proposed RFA (or RFA link on Checklist) and a completed copy of the application are required.
- Shell or empty applications, or those that contain placeholder attachments will be returned to the department as Incomplete.
- Complete and final proposals received with less than 1.5 business days in advance of the sponsor’s deadline date will not be submitted.
- Multi-Project Grants – Due to the volume and complexity of multi-component grants, OSP will require additional review time for these projects. All multi-project applications are due at least ten (10) business days prior to the sponsor deadline. PIs submitting proposals with more than five (5) projects/cores are strongly encouraged to engage OSP staff in the planning process prior to grant submission to OSP. Our desire is to help you with a successful grant submission.
OSP Review Summary
Proposals are reviewed on a first-in, first-out basis. No proposals will “cut in line.” The OSP officer will provide a review summary report of the application within two (2) business days of receipt, which should provide the PI adequate time to complete final modifications to the application.
Start Your Research at UAB
Popular Tools & Tasks
- Required Documents Tool
- General Information
- Extramural Checklist and Instructions
- Expedited Checklist
- Responsible Personnel List and Instructions
- Rebudgeting Request
- UAB Internal Federal Budget Form
- UAB Standardized Budget for Industry Sponsored Projects Template
- 30 Day Notification of Intent to Submit an SBIR/STTR Grant Application with a Small Business Concern (SBC)
- FDP Data Transfer and Use Agreement (DTUA) Templates
- FDP Subaward Forms
Not able to find a form above? Please visit the OSP Forms webpage.
- Electronic (Adobe Sign) Extramural Checklist
- Electronic (Adobe Sign) Cost Sharing Commitment
- Electronic (Adobe Sign) In-Kind Cost Sharing
- Electronic (Adobe Sign) Indirect Cost Revenue Redistribution Form
- Electronic (Adobe Sign) Rebudget Request
- Electronic (Adobe Sign) SBIR/STTR Extramural Support Checklist
- Electronic Signatures on OSP Forms
- Proposal Due Date Calculator
- Find Your Officer or Specialist
- Find Required Documents
- Fee for Service Decision Tree
- Commonly Used OSP IRAP Statuses
and What They Mean (PDF Version) - Update Contacts/Award Manager (PDF)
- Acronyms and Definitions
- JIT Instructions
- Other Support Template and Instructions
- Award Reports
For more information, please visit the Researcher's Toolkit and Project Management webpages.
- Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs
- Federally Negotiated and Institutionally Established F&A Rate Table
- Clinical Trial F&A Costs and Rate Flowchart
- Continuing Professional Education F&A Rate
- Composite Fringe Benefit (CFB) Rates (Financial Affairs)
- UAB Colleges and Universities Rate Agreement
- UAB Direct vs Indirect Cost Policy and Grid
- Normally Charged as F&A (Indirect) Costs to be Charged as Direct Costs
- OMB Uniform Guidance (
- Federal Grants
- Federal Contracts
- Industry Projects
- Non-Profit / Foundation Projects
- Annual Progress Reports (RPPR)
- Outgoing Federal Subawards
- Data Use Agreements (DUA)
- VA Interagency Personnel Agreements (IPA)
- VA Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
- Confidentiality Disclosure Agreements (CDA)
- Continuing Professional Education (CPE)
- Non-Sponsor Funded Research
- Project Master Agreements
- Proposal Submission Requirements
- Other Support & Transparency in Research
- UAB Signature Authority
- Definition of a Principal Investigator
- Facilities and Administrative Rate Policy
- Establishing a Subrecipient Agreement
- Number of Submissions Limited by Sponsor
- Policy Concerning the Responsible Conduct of Research and Other Scholarly Activities
- Execution and Review of Contracts for the University of Alabama at Birmingham
- UAB Enterprise Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment Policy
- Policy Concerning the Use of UAB Resources by External Entities
- Effort Reporting Policy
- Effort Reporting Procedures
- UAB Expectations for Research Sponsors
Please see our dedicated Frequently Asked Questions webpage.