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Associate Vice President for Research Facilities and Infrastructure schwebel @ uab.edu
AB 720
(205) 934-8745

David C. Schwebel, Ph.D., is Associate Vice President for Research Facilities and Infrastructure. He collaborates with multiple partners across the university to oversee research-related space, facilities, equipment, and infrastructure, including the Animal Resources Program, research cores and shared facilities, and research-related construction and renovation on campus.

A psychologist, Dr. Schwebel maintains a federally-funded research laboratory, the UAB Youth Safety Lab, which is dedicated to understanding and preventing unintentional injuries, the leading cause of death children in the United States and much of the world. Dr. Schwebel has published over 300 peer-reviewed manuscripts and received over $12 million in external funding to support his research program.

Dr. Schwebel earned his BA degree in psychology from Yale University, and his MA and PhD degrees from University of Iowa. He completed a clinical psychology residency at University of Washington. He and his wife Yikun live in Birmingham with their teenaged children.