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8 views of January 2025 at UAB

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  • February 07, 2025

Scroll down to look back at some of last month's memorable campus images captured by UAB's official photographers.

JAT Golden Hour

Students walk along University Boulevard in front of the Hill Center.

"One of the wonderful things about January is that the students return to school after a long winter break. Because of the time of year, we're able to photograph at the end of daylight during golden hour. I really love that warm afternoon glow and the busyness of students between classes. I like the implied diagonal line leading from the top of the right corner of through the figures to the bottom left corner of the frame.— Jennifer Alsabrook-Turner, university photographer

JM Hill Center snow

The Hill Center and Heritage Hall are blanketed in snow in the early morning hours of Jan. 10. 

Jeff Myers, university videographer and studio manager

A quite different view of the Hill Center captured by Myers, who was out early as heavy snow descended on campus and forced UAB to suspend most activities for the day.

AM Blood Drive

Blood drive, North Pavilion.

Andrea Mabry, university photographer

UAB employees are always ready to help when they see a need. The UAB-Red Cross blood drive at the end of January had a strong turnout — the drive exceeded its donation goal by more than 50 percent.

IL Stairs

A student descends the stairs outside Sterne Library and the Science and Engineering Complex.

“I loved the geometry of this image. You can see the movement of the student leaving Mervyn Sterne Library because of the crossing lines of the staircase. Bonus points for the UAB sweatshirt.— Ian Logue, university photographer

JAT Blazer Kitchen

Undergraduate English/Art Studio major Audrey Womack at Blazer Kitchen, UAB's on-campus food pantry.

Just recently I got to photograph the Blazer Kitchen mural, which is really fun and colorful, and such a great addition to their lobby. I was also able to create a portrait of Audrey Womack, founder of Muse, the UAB art club responsible for painting the mural.— Jennifer Alsabrook-Turner, university photographer

AM Studying

Students studying in the lobby of East Science Hall. 

Andrea Mabry, university photographer

South Science Hall and East Science Hall — part of the Science and Engineering Complex — opened in August 2023 and are home to the departments of Biology, Physics and Chemistry. This summer, the complex will be complete with the opening of Gorrie Hall, the new home for the School of Engineering.

JAT Hill Center

Students studying on the second floor of the Hill Center.

“The Hill Center is all abuzz with students eating, socializing and studying this time of year. It's a lively environment! I really love the bold colors of this image and the shallow depth of field.— Jennifer Alsabrook-Turner, university photographer

IL Crosswalk

Students crossing University Boulevard.

It was a chilly, overcast day but the students still had such high spirits. The high angle made for such an interesting background against the crosswalk stripes.— Ian Logue, university photographer

JM Dragon

Collat School of Business, Jan. 10.

Jeff Myers, university videographer and studio manager

Another early-morning photo captured by Myers, who was layered in warm clothes and one of the few people moving around on campus at the time, along with UAB Police.