UAB Hospital’s nursing staff is taking this year’s National Nurses Week theme “Nurses: Building a Healthy America” and National Nurses Day seriously as they team up to build creative structures from canned goods to, at the end of the day, help build the pantry at the Jimmie Hale Mission.

May 5, 2009

UAB Hospital's nursing staff is taking this year's National Nurses Week theme "Nurses: Building a Healthy America" and National Nurses Day seriously as they team up to build creative structures from canned goods to, at the end of the day, help build the pantry at the Jimmie Hale Mission.

The nursing staff has been collecting canned goods since February and will compete on Wednesday morning to see who can build the most creative "canstruction" from the donated goods. Awards will be given for the most creative structure, best use of labels, best representation of theme and people's choice. There also is an award for the nursing unit that donates the most cans. Ultimately, the Jimmie Hale Mission is the real winner since it will receive all of canned goods at the end of the contest.

The event will take place Wednesday, May 6. A UAB media relations escort will be at the West Pavilion Atrium, 19th Street, between Sixth and Seventh Avenues. Construction will take place from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and the winner will be announced at 1 p.m.

Annually, National Nurses Week begins on May 6, marked as National Nurses Day, and ends on May 12, the birthday of Florence Nightingale, founder of nursing as a modern profession. During this week, UAB nurses will be honored by a series of continuing education classes, a talent show, storyboard presentations, a professional vendor fair, a lifestyle fair, Clinical Excellence Awards luncheon and presentation and more. Traditionally, National Nurses Week is devoted to highlighting the diverse ways in which registered nurses, the largest health care profession, are working to improve health care. From bedside nursing in hospitals and long-term care facilities to the halls of research institutions, state legislatures and Congress, the depth and breadth of the nursing profession is meeting the expanding health care needs of American society.

For more information on UAB nursing careers, visit