UAB School of Engineering students will trade the sounds of the lecture hall for the clinking and clattering of cutlery Tuesday night, March 31, when they take over service duties at the McAlister’s Deli in Homewood, located at 350 State Farm Parkway, Suite 104, from 5-8 p.m.

March 27, 2009

• Students to bus and wait tables

• All proceeds benefit UAB Engineers Without Borders

• Group's upcoming trip provides aid in Zambia

UAB School of Engineering students will trade the sounds of the lecture hall for the clinking and clattering of cutlery Tuesday night, March 31, when they take over service duties at the McAlister's Deli in Homewood, located at 350 State Farm Parkway, Suite 104, from 5-8 p.m.

Working to wait and bus tables, engineering students will raise money for their May 2009 and 2010 Engineers Without Borders (EWB) trips to Zambia in south central Africa. Students from the UAB School of Public Health will participate in the fundraiser too. The half-dozen student restaurant workers, who are scheduled for a three-hour shift, will keep 10 percent of McAlister's revenues for the night as well as any tips.

Proceeds will help cover travel costs as well as expenses related to the infrastructure project the students will complete in Zambia for EWB. The student project will contribute to the construction of a facility that will serve as the African headquarters for the Alabama based non-profit organization SIFAT, which teaches skills that help sustain communities like water purification, malnutrition diagnosis and HIV prevention. A three-person UAB survey team travels to Zambia this May to lay the groundwork for the larger UAB team trip in 2010.